Latest Updates

June 24, 2024

Added a new topic describing how to search for awards pending closeout, awards with RPPRs due soon, and recently issued Noticed of Awards; see Finding Recent NoAs, Awards with RPPRs Due, or Awards Pending Closeout.

June 11, 2024

Added a new topic describing the Additional Materials closeout task which can appear for awards granted by the CDC; see Closeout—Additional Materials (CDC).

June 5, 2024

Updated topics for submitting a reference letter to align help with screen updates and the new terminology of Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) rather than Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA); see Submitting Reference Letters.

June 4, 2024

Updated Welcome topic that describes eRA Commons login/landing pages to align with screen changes and the retirement of Quick Queries; see Welcome to eRA Commons!.

May 9, 2024

Updated topic for skipping the two-day viewing window for administrative supplements to align help with the refreshed look of related screens. See Bypassing the 2-Business-Day Application Viewing Window for Administrative Supplements.

May 8, 2024

Updated topic for submitting Final Progress Report Additional Materials (FRAM) to align help with the refreshed look of the FRAM screen. See Closeout—Final Progress Report Additional Materials (FRAM).

May 6, 2024

Updated topics that relate to logging in to align help with the refreshed look of those screens. See Logging into eRA Commons.

May 2, 2024

Updated the topic for submitting Public Access PRAM to align help with the refreshed look of the Public Access Progress Report Additional Material (PRAM) screen. See Responding to Public Access PRAM.

May 1, 2024

Updated the topic for changing password to align help with the refreshed look of the Change Passwordscreen. See Changing Your Password.

April 30, 2024

Updated the topic for switching to a different affiliated institution to align help with the refreshed look of the Change Organization screen. See Changing to a Different Affiliated Organization.

April 29, 2024

Updated the topic for submitting agency-requested PRAM to align help with the refreshed look of the Progress Report Additional Material (PRAM) screen. See Responding to Agency Requested PRAM.

April 26, 2024

Updated topics related to Status for principal investigators to align help with the refreshed look of those screens. See Status for Program Directors/Principal Investigators (PI Role).

April 25, 2024

Updated topics related to Closeout tasks— Closeout—Additional Closeout Documentationand Closeout—Final Progress Report (FPR)to align help with the refreshed look of those screens.

April 24, 2024

Updated all topics for the Personal Profile module to align help with the refreshed look of the module; see Personal Profile Module.

April 23, 2024

Updated the topic for the Admin module, which includes creating/editing an account, advanced search, and delegations, to align help with the refreshed look of the Admin module; see Create or Edit a Commons Account, Advanced Search for PIs with Continuous Submission Eligibility, and Delegations.

April 19, 2024

Updated the topic on Interim Request for Additional Materials to align help with the refreshed look of the Interim Request for Additional Materials screen; see Interim Report Additional Materials (IRAM).

April 10, 2024

Updated the topic on the Just in Time (JIT) screen to align help with the refreshed look of that screen; see Just in Time (JIT) Screen and Just in Time (JIT) for VA Applicants.

April 2, 2024

Updated the topic on the Foreign Disclosure Request for Additional Materials screen to align help with the refreshed look of that screen; see SBIR/STTR Foreign Disclosure Form—Request for Additional Materials.

April 1, 2024

Updated the topic on the OTA Request for Additional Materials screen to align help with the refreshed look of the OTA Submitting Additional Materials screen; see Responding to Additional Materials Requests from the Funding Agency.

March 28, 2024

Updated all topics for Institutional Profile module to align help with the refreshed look of the module; see Institution Profile Module (IPF).

March 11, 2024

Updated topic on re-assigning a grant to another department/office within an institution to align help with the refreshed look of the Re-Assign Grant screen; see Steps for SO to Re-assign an Award.

March 6, 2024

Due to a screen update to the Recent/Pending eSubmissions screen, updated topics that refer to that screen, where SOs and PIs can check the status of recent eSubmissions. See How Does an AOR or SO Check Submission Status?.

March 5, 2024

Added a new topic with information on the closeout process and options for Department of Commerce (DOC) awards. See Closeout Status for DOC Awards.

February 1, 2024

Added a new topic describing how to initiate an RPPR for a Department of Commerce (DOC) award; see Initiating the Department of Commerce RPPR. Added general information and updates to RPPR topics regarding DOC RPPRs. Added caveats to RPPR, Delegation, and Role help topics that do not apply to DOC awards.

January 31, 2024

The ESI Eligibility screen was updated to a new visual appearance. Added a topic on using the updated ESI Eligibility screen; see ESI Eligibility Search.

January 24, 2024

Updated Basics and Navigation topic, as the header, Main Menu, tables, and table tools have undergone minor visual updates. No functionality was changed.

January 4, 2024

Added a new topic describing how to submit a Foreign Disclosure Form. For details on this requirement and to find a blank form, see Required Disclosures of Foreign Affiliations or Relationships to Foreign Countries. For instructions on uploading the form, see SBIR/STTR Foreign Disclosure Form—Request for Additional Materials.

January 3, 2023

Updated Locked Account topic to reflect that the Unlock Account capability was removed from the Admin module.

November 16, 2023

Revamped the topic on Just In Time (JIT) submissions, and added information on a new SBIR/STTR file upload section for the Foreign Interference Form on the JIT screen. See Just in Time (JIT) Screen.

November 8, 2023

Added documentation on Payment Request Module for DOC awardees. See Payment Request Overview.

October 30, 2023

Several changes have been made to eRA Commons modules as part of Department of Commerce (DOC) rollout. In October of 2023, several DOC bureaus will begin using eRA to manage the award and post-award grant lifecycle. DOC-specific documentation has been added as follows:

Agency-Specific Instructions: Department of Commerce (DOC) users: Please see Applicant and Grantee Training for more information .

October 30, 2023

Users searching for awards in Status (SOs), RPPR, and FFR can use the new Awarding Office/IC search criteria feature to limit search results to only specific grantor organizations. See Searching for Awards by Awarding Office/IC (Search Criteria).

October 12, 2023

As of October 12, 2023, requests to revise approved Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Plans for NIH awards must be submitted via Prior Approval's “Other Request” type. The online help topic, Prior Approval - Other Request, was updated with specific instructions for using the Other Request type in Prior Approval for DMS change requests.

July 27, 2023

Updated topics on creating a new account and doing an advanced search for accounts to align with new updated screens for these features. Also updated screen capture for 500K Prior Approval Request, where the FOA label has been changed to Opportunity Number to align with eRA's new naming guidelines; see Prior Approval - $500K Request.

June 27, 2023

Updated eRA Commons online help to a new look and feel, and it now includes the new eRA logo. See Welcome to eRA Commons Online Help for instructions on using the new help features.

May 16, 2023

The Understanding Grant Numbers topic has been updated to include the new "D%" suffix code. The new D code in a grant number indicates that a resubmission and/or renewal application was withdrawn prior to the issuance of a summary statement at the request of the applicant and a subsequent version of that resubmission or renewal was submitted.

May 15, 2023

A new Project Number field has been added to the General search screen for signing officials in the Status module. At this time, this field is to support a pilot program for NIH contract vendors and can be disregarded by most eRA Commons users. See Status Search for SOs.