Checking for Errors and Warnings

At any time before an RPPR is submitted to agency, an error check can be performed to verify that the report passes the business rules and system validations in place. Any user who has access to the RPPR may perform the error check.

Errors and warnings that are reported are underlined and linked. Click the error description to be taken to the screen and field where the error was found. There are two ways to check for errors:

1. Check for errors on the current form: Use Closedthe Check for Errors button at the bottom of the current form.

Check for Errors button on the bottom of each RPPR form

2. Check for errors on all forms at once: Use the ClosedCheck for Errors option in the three-dot ellipsis menu on the RPPR Menu screen.

Check for Errors button in the three-dot ellipsis menu on the RPPR Menu screen


Refer to Checking for Errors on Single-Project RPPRs for more information on error checking single-project RPPRs.

Refer to Checking for Errors on a Multi-Project RPPRfor more information on error checking multi-project RPPRs.

NOTE: All PDFs you upload are recommended to be a flattened PDF, and may cause an error if not flattened. For more information on flattening PDFs, see the FAQ titled, "When submitting PDFs to eRA Commons, particularly for RPPRs and Just-in-Time, I am getting an error telling me to ensure all files are flattened PDFs. What does flattening a PDF mean and how do you do it?"