Changing to a Different Affiliated Organization

If you are a PI or other scientific role (GRADUATE_STUDENT, POSTDOC, TRAINEE, etc.) and are affiliated with more than one organization, it is important to check which organization is currently selected when you log into Commons. You can access only the information pertaining to the currently selected organization. You also possess only the roles granted by the currently selected organization. Your selected organization is displayed with your user ID information under the Person icon, which is in the upper right corner of Commons screens.

To select a specific organization to work with in Commons:

  1. Log into eRA Commons.
  2. Click the Person icon in the upper right of any screen. If you are affiliated with multiple organizations, you see a Change Organization link.
  3. Click the Change Organization link.

Change Institution link under Person icon

The Change Organization screen opens, which lists the names of all institutions with which you are affiliated.

Change Organization screen where you can choose the affiliation for this eRA Commons session if you are affiliated to more than one institution

  1. Click the name of the organization you want to work with in eRA Commons.
  2. Click the Save button to set the organization as your current default. When you log in, you are automatically logged into the default organization.

In eRA Commons, you now see the grant data and roles associated with the organization you chose.