Welcome to eRA Commons!

Access eRA Commons by entering the following address into your web browser:


eRA Commons Login Screen (Before Logging In)

The ClosedeRA Commons login screen displays., which contains the following elements:

eRA Commons login screen

Login Section

There are four login methods in the login section to access eRA Commons .

Principal investigators, reviewers, and key personnel associated with an application or an RPPR are required to use two factor authentication for enhanced security. This can be through a federated (institution) account if it meets NIH required security requirements, or through the use of Login.gov, the federal secure login system. If a user is required to transition to a more secure login system, they receive a message upon login guiding them through using Login.gov with eRA Commons. See Transitioning To and Using Login.gov.

Four login methods on upper left of eRA Commons login screen, including Login.gov, eRA Credentials, Federated Account, and PIV/CAC smartcard

Service Desk Section

Service desk phone numbers and hours are listed in the upper right.

Service desk section in upper right of login screen, listing phone numbers and hours

Recent News Section

Read the recent news to find important announcements of upcoming or ongoing activities that might affect your work.

The Recent News section, below the Service Desk section, lists upcoming or ongoing activities that might affect your work in eRA Commons

Important Links Section

Below the Recent News section are links to help you:

• Register a new organization with eRA Commons--no eRA account required.

• Create accounts for your organization's users.

• Learn about and Submit a Reference Letter--no eRA account required.

• Register for, or play with, a sandbox Commons Demo version of eRA Commons to accelerate learning the system.

• Jump to the iEdison system maintained by NIST to register and manage inventions.

• Connect to the LikeThis system, where you can enter queries to find similar projects.

Important links include those relating to registering an organization, submitting reference letters, reporting patents, creating accounts, using a Commons Demo environment, and using the LikeThis search module

Learn How... Section

New to eRA Commons? Click buttons in the Learn How to Use eRA Systems section to see help for your specific situation, whether you're applying for an award, need to manage an award you've already received, or are evaluating award applications as a peer reviewer.

Learn How to Use eRA Systems buttons at bottom of eRA Commons login screen, which link to helpful topics for a variety of user types

eRA Commons Landing Screen (After Logging In)

After logging in, you see the Closedhome, or landing, screen, which is similar to the login screen except that it has navigation to eRA modules.

The screen displayed immediately after logging in to eRA Commons

eRA Commons Navigation Between Modules

Navigate to the most commonly used modules by clicking the module's colored tile or use the Main menu to access all modules:

Tiles to open most commonly used modules

See your login information, institution, roles, and a Sign Out link under the person icon Person icon in the header. It also contains links to change your password or manage your email preferences. For more information about the header, see Header and Footer Navigation.

The grey panel labeled SAMSHA gives you direct access to the Non-Research searches for amendments, continuations, and supplements. See Non-Research Amendments, Supplements, and Continuations (for Non-Research Agencies) for more information.

SAMHSA Panel leading to non-research amendments, continuations, and supplements

Click the person icon in upper right to see current institution and roles.

On any eRA Commons screen with a help icon click the help icon for context sensitive help, click it to access context sensitive help for the screen you are viewing.