Basics and Navigation for eRA Modules

For increased usability, eRA modules are gradually switching to a streamlined, modern, mobile-friendly look and feel for screens. The new look and the new navigation adjust dynamically for a variety of screen or font sizes, making your browsing experience more efficient on the device of your choice. New user interface elements offer a consistent set of tools that you can use across modules. A new header and footer conserve space, leaving more work area for you to accomplish your tasks.

This topic explores the new navigation and user interface elements that you might see on updated screens. All modules will eventually use the same framework for building the appearance and navigation for screens. Older style screens will co-exist with updated screens during the transition to the new look and feel. Not all screen elements shown here will appear in all modules.

Read this topic to learn about:

  • Header/footer for eRA modules
  • Navigation to and within modules
  • Actions column and how it might be replaced by an ellipsis (three-dot) dropdown in a row
  • Standard tools for tables
  • How columns are hidden and shown on small screens

Header and Footer Navigation

The new header and footer use symbols to save screen real estate and dynamically adjust to fit smaller screens.

Full eRA Header with Main Menu at left, which displays module navigation, outlined

The first icon from left is the Main Menu. The Main Menu shows all apps available to the currently logged-in user, shown below:

Expanded Main Menu, showing all modules to which you have access

Other Icons in Header

HHS Icon Links to the Department of Health and Human Services.

NIH Icon - Linked to Links to

Service Desk Icon Links to a general eRA Service Desk Support page.

Points of Contact Icon Links to a general eRA Service Desk Support page.

Login Info Icon The person icon shows your login information, institution, roles, email preferences, and sign out link:

Person icon menu, showing name, user ID, instituion, roles, and sign out link

Dynamic Header

Below, on a narrow screen, most items on the header are hidden, but they pop down when you click the grid icon in the upper right, outlined below.

Narrow eRA Header, which hides all banner options under a bento box icon, shown at right

Narrow eRA Header, which has been expanded to show all banner options after bento box icon is clicked

Redesigned Footer

The footer is clean and offers only essential information organized into columns.

eRA Footer

Navigating Within a Module

The module abbreviation, circled below left, lets you quickly see which module you are working in.

Navigation within a module, showing module name at left and module pages in navigation along top under banner

The sections of the modules are listed across the top, with the current section highlighted in gray, circled above.

To navigate to the screens available under each section, click the section name to see a dropdown that shows all screen names, as shown below.

Module Navigation with Dropdowns of Screen Names

If the screen size is small, all the app section names are collapsed under a three-line icon, shown below.

Module Navigation is collapsed when narrow, with bento box icon at right which when clicked shows all module top navigation

When clicked, the three-line icon shows all module navigation in vertical form, below.

Module navigation expanded, when screen is narrow and all top navigation is under bento box icon at right

Actions Column Replaced by Ellipsis Menu

Actions that are available for each row in a table might be displayed under a three-dot ellipsis icon instead of an Actions column, as shown below. This happens if there are three or more actions to be displayed. If only one action item is listed, then the column will list that action as the header and have an ‘x’ in the body of the column.

Three-dot ellipsis menu replaces action menu and displays actions that can be taken on a record in a table

Standard Tools for Tables

Tables are sleeker with tools for showing the data you want to see.

Section of a table header showing standard table tools shown outlined

Filter Table

Entering filter text features instant filtering of the list as you type, with the number of found results updated as you type. The text you type in the filter field is highlighted in the table.

Filter Table Field with Number of Found Results

Selecting Rows/Bulk Action Tool

Use the bulk actions tool Bulk Actions Tool Lets you Show/Hide and Select/Unselect Rows to select or deselect all, and to show selected rows only or all rows. Other bulk action tools might also let you mark or clear the checkboxes of all currently visible rows (such as those found by typing filter text).

Bulk Actions Tool Lets you Show/Hide and Select/Unselect Rows

Check All marks all checkboxes regardless of the number of pages of records shown. In other words, if there are 10 pages of records available, with only the first page currently visible, Check All marks all enabled checkboxes on all pages. By contrast, Check All Visible marks only those enabled checkboxes on the currently visible page. See Page Navigation below for directions on how to navigate between pages of data.

Bulk Icon Tool example

Column Picker

Click to choose the visible columns in a table by selecting/deselecting their checkboxes. The column selection is only in effect until you navigate to another screen.

Column Picker icon

Expanded Column Picker, which lets you choose which columns are visible

Column Sorting

Click column headers to sort by that column.

Sort indicators in table columns

Download and Print

Use the download tool Download Tool Lets you Print or Export to Excel or PDF, shown below, to export table data to Excel or PDF, or to print. Data from all columns is exported/printed even if only a subset of columns are visible.

Download Tool lets you print or export to Excel or PDF

Rows Per Page

To help avoid scrolling, use the grid tool Grid Tool lets you choose number of rows displayed per page to specify how many table rows appear per page.

Grid Tool Lets You Choose Rows Displayed Per Page

Page Navigation

Navigate to each page of search results using the following tool:

Navigation to move between pages of search results

Instantly scroll back to the top of the page by clicking the "Back to Top" button, which appears on selected screens that show long search results. The button is an up arrow in a yellow rectangle and appears at the bottom right of the screen, when applicable:

Yellow "back to top" button with up arrow in yellow rectangle, used to instantly scroll to the top of search results

Expanding Table Rows to Reveal More Information

Some tables have an indicator at the beginning of each row that more information can be viewed for the row.

'More Info' triangle icons at the beginning of rows in a table

If you see a triangle pointing to the right at the beginning of a row, click it for more information on the record.

Triangle shown at beginning of table row indicates that there is hidden information for the row

The triangle turns downwards and expands the row to show additional information.

Click the triangle at the beginning of a table row to show more information about the record

The triangle also appears for some tables if you narrow the window containing the table. Below, a wide screen shows several columns.

Full screen showing all columns

When the screen is narrowed, the Status column and Council column are not visible in the table, as shown below.

Narrow screen where the two rightmost columns are hidden

All hidden columns are available by clicking the 'More Info' triangle in the first column, which expands the row to show the two missing columns:

Click the triangle at the left of a row to show hidden columns below