Certify Post-Meeting COI

Instructions on this page guide reviewers on how to certify the Post Meeting Certification at the completion of a review meeting to confirm that participation in discussions about conflicted applications did not take place with the reviewer present.

Reviewers should electronically sign the Post-Meeting Conflict of Interest form in IAR to confirm that they were not present during any discussion of an application with which they had a conflict. The post-meeting COI certification must be electronically certified at the time reviewers complete their participation in the study section meeting. Paper certifications are no longer accepted.

The post-meeting COI form will be available until the end of the Edit phase.

Basic Tasks (step-by-step instructions and screenshots)*

* You must be logged into IAR via eRA Commons with appropriate role(s) to complete these activities. 

Main Screenshot

Post-Meeting COI Certification link accessed from the three-dot ellipses icon in the Meeting column on the List of Meetings screen.

Figure 1: Post-Meeting COI Certification link accessed from the three-dot ellipses icon in the Meeting column on the List of Meetings screen.

Additional Resources

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