Federal Financial Report (FFR)

Information on submitting the Federal Financial Report (FFR), which is also one of three reports to closeout a grant. 

Recipients of federal funds are required to report the status of funds for each award document number(s) assigned to grants or assistance agreements individually via the Federal Financial Report (FFR) expenditure data.  Since January 1, 2021, recipients have been required to submit the SF-425 Federal Financial Report (FFR) to the Payment Management System (PMS) accessed through the FFR navigation link in eRA Commons (see Figures 1 and 2). The schedule for submitting FFR is generally specified in the award documents of a grant or contract.

Selecting the Manage FFR action from the three-dot ellipsis icon next to an Award Number on the Search for Federal Financial Report (FFR) screen in eRA Commons takes the recipient directly to PMS (see Figures 3 and 4). The recipient will authenticate to PMS and be taken straight to the Federal Financial Report — Details screen for that award in PMS. Once the form is completed in PMS, the recipient will submit it to the agency. Recipients will still be able to see the status of their submission in the eRA Commons/FFR module.

Basic Tasks (Step-by-step instructions from the online help)*

* You must be logged into eRA Commons with appropriate role(s) to complete these activities. 

Main Screenshots

For users with the FSR role, after logging into eRA Commons, select FFR from the Main menu in the upper left corner.

Figure 1: Accessing FFR from the Main menu

Figure 1: Accessing FFR from the Main menu

Figure 2: FFR Search screen, with quick searches at the bottom

Figure 2: FFR Search screen, with quick searches at the bottom


Figure 3: FFR Search screen, showing results and Manage FFR and View PDF actions under the three-dot ellipsis menu

Figure 3: FFR Search screen, showing results and Manage FFR and View PDF actions under the three-dot ellipsis menu


Figure 3: Payment Management System (PMS) login screen

Figure 4: Payment Management System (PMS) login screen

Additional Resources
