Access Applications

Step-by-step instructions and additional resources for reviewers on how to access the application they are to review. 

After signing the confidentiality agreement, reviewers can log in to eRA Commons/IAR and access their applications from the List of All Applications screen. Cannot see all applications? That is because the default view is the List of My Assigned Applications screen. To see other applications, click on the List of All Applications screen.

IMPORTANT: On the List of My Assigned Applications screen, the Application Number (Opportunity Number) column includes a folder icon (Grant (Application) Folder icon). Clicking the icon opens the application(s).

Basic Tasks (step-by-step instructions)*

* You must be logged into IAR via eRA Commons with appropriate role(s) to complete these activities. 

Main Screenshots

The List of My Assigned Applications with applications listed. Slide the toggler for Show only Assigned Applications to display the assigned applications

Figure 1: The List of My Assigned Applications screen with applications listed. Slide the toggler for Show only Assigned Applications to display the assigned applications.

The drop-down global navigation menu available from several IAR screens that provides a quick link to the List of Applications screen.

Figure 2: The drop-down global navigation menu available from several IAR screens that provides a quick link to the List of Applications screen.

Additional Resources