Certify Employment

Steps for a reviewer to certify in what employment capacity a person is serving as a reviewer — federal or non-federal, HHS or non-HHS, or a combination.

In IAR, reviewers certify the confidentiality statement and are then presented with the Employment Certification screen. These steps are prerequisites to the reviewer being granted to meeting applications and materials.
The form is to accommodate an NIH policy for recruiting individuals employed at federal agencies as reviewers on scientific review groups (SRGs).

Basic Tasks (step-by-step instructions and screenshots)*

* You must be logged into IAR via eRA Commons with appropriate role(s) to complete these activities.  

Main Screenshots

Once a reviewer agrees to the confidentiality statement in IAR, the system will open the Employment Certification form. If the reviewer is unable to complete the form at that time, the next time the reviewer logs into IAR, clicking the three-dot-ellipsis in the Meeting column on the List of Meetings screen will open the action menu and the reviewer will select the Employment Certification option from the dropdown menu. 

The Employment Certification Image
Figure 1: The Employment Certification link can be accessed by clicking the three-dot ellipses icon in the Meeting column of the List of Meetings screen. 

Reviewers will need to certify in what capacity they are serving as reviewers, read the certification language, and click the I certify button before accessing a review meeting. 

Note that the Certification text will change, based on the employment option selected. 
Reviewers will click on one of the 5 radio buttons to specify in what capacity they are serving as reviewers (the language below has been paraphrased):

The Employment Certification screen with a radio button  image 
Figure 2: The Employment Certification screen with a radio button checked to indicate the reviewer is a non-HHS federal employee serving in official duty capacity.