Known Issues Affecting S2S Applications

Unique Filenames

  • All attachment filenames within the application XML must be unique. ASSIST and Workspace have strategies to provide filename uniqueness across forms. This safeguard is not in place for system-to-system submissions. It is up to the S2S solution and/or applicant to ensure filename uniqueness within the XML.

Suffix Fields

  • forms provide a list of values for suffix fields (i.e., Jr.; Sr.; M.D.; Ph.D). ASSIST and Workspace only allow the list of values to be used. However, the schema allows for other values up to 10 characters. eRA systems will throw a system error for suffix values over 5 characters. Please keep suffix values to 5 characters or less until a code change can be scheduled.

Modular Budget Indirect Cost Data

  • In Section B. (Indirect Costs) of the PHS 398 Modular Budget form, Indirect Cost Type, Indirect Cost Rate, Indirect Cost Base and Funds Requested must all be supplied if any one of these criterion is supplied. This requirement is enforced by ASSIST and Workspace during data entry, but not by the schema. S2S solutions must ensure all items are present.


  • NIH business rules indicate that only 10 appendices can be included with an application. This requirement is enforced by ASSIST and Workspace during data entry, but not by the schema. Our eSubmission system will process S2S submissions that include more than 10 appendices (the schema maximum is 100), but such applications may be identified as non-compliant post-submission. Our application instructions very clearly state that the maximum number of appendices is 10.