Let me get nostalgic with you for a moment. Think back to your childhood… Think of that one gift or item that you got that you thought was the best ever! For me it was the SPV Steerable Snow Sled. SPV… Super Performance Vehicle! Even the name was cool! I can feel the adrenaline and excitement starting to pump through my veins as I think about it.
Now, whatever yours is, hold that feeling, because you are about to experience it again!
We are pleased to announce the soon to be launched, completely redesigned and upgraded eRA website! Currently scheduled for release in April, the new design represents a year-long effort to provide you with better information, better navigation, and improved access to resources.

Figure 1: The current eRA home page vs the soon to be launched redesigned eRA home page.
The new design is softer, easier on the eyes, to better meet the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for accessibility. It includes new categories of information and updated content. Main screenshots of systems have been added to help figure out the process at a glance. Navigation improvements include hover-over functionality, bread crumbs, scope notes, and more. Resources have been consolidated and better organized. The website is mobile-friendly, dynamically resizing for mobile use. Note that URLs of pages are changing so please remember to change bookmarks after launch.
I don’t want to ruin all the surprises you will experience with the new design, so just keep an eye open for the release of a teaser video to be published soon!
Can you feel it? The adrenaline? The excitement? Our very own SPW… Super Performance Website! Yes!

People are “flying” in to register for NIH Regional Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration, May 15-17, 2019! We are getting close to capacity.
However, there are still spots available for our many programs, like the optional pre-seminar workshops. These include detailed programs on topics like human research protection, application preparation, post-application submission, intellectual property, iEdison, and more!
You will find an array of concurrent sessions, designed for administrators, researchers, grant writers, etc. during the 2-day seminar. And the very popular 1:1 Meet the Expert chats are available between attendees and NIH staff. Check out all the information at the NIH Regional Seminar web page.
Register today to reserve your spot before March 30, 2019 to take advantage of the lower registration fees.
If you are unable to attend this seminar, we are currently working on the details for Phoenix, AZ, November 6-8, 2019. Registration will open in May. However, a great way to get up-to-date information for this event is the NIH Seminars listserv (this link will provide instructions on how to subscribe).
Some of you may know that I grew up in New England, which means I am a Boston Red Sox fan. And the mascot for the Sox is Wally the Green Monster in honor of the Green Monster Wall in the left field of Fenway. Because, let’s face it, a red sock doesn’t make much of a mascot. However, no one can deny the beauty of an actual Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula), pictured above. So join us in Baltimore, learn some stuff, catch a game, or do some bird watching.
Happy Spring!
~ Joe
Joe Schumaker
eRA Communications
Division of Communications and Outreach
NIH Office of Extramural Research