Overview of Just-in-Time
What is the purpose?
When additional information is requested by a grantor agency from grant applicants, Just-in-Time (JIT) provides a tool for this purpose. Just-in-Time allows applicants and signing officials to upload certain elements of a competing grant application at a later date in the application process – after the peer review and as the application is being considered for funding. This includes information on Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval of the use of human subjects, verification of Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee's (IACUC's) approval of the proposed use of live vertebrate animals, etc. The application must meet certain business criteria and have achieved a certain score to be considered.
Principal investigators (PI) and signing officials (SO) will see a JIT link appear on the eRA Commons Status screen soon after the review scores are posted. However, applicants should only submit JIT information when it is specifically requested by the grantor agency. JIT submissions can be uploaded by either a PI or an SO, but can only be submitted by an SO. JIT capabilities cannot be delegated.

Figure 1: Signing official view of Status Result showing JIT under three-dot ellipsis menu

Figure 2: Principal investigator view of JIT link in award list

Figure 2: The Just-in-Time submission form, showing sections for the various categories of requested uploads
What are the features?
- Enables supporting documents to be uploaded, as requested, to support the grant application.
- Submitted information becomes available for viewing in the Status tab under Other Relevant Documents.
What are the benefits?
- Allows the potential grantor agency to request additional information as needed.
- Ensures timely submission of information requested by the grantor agency.
Who can use JIT?
- Principal investigators (PIs) are able to upload and save JIT information
- Signing officials (SOs) have the authority to submit JIT information