Overview of AMM

What is the purpose?

The Account Management Module (AMM) provides a user-friendly module to create, manage and search existing accounts in eRA Commons and ASSIST as well as eRA modules used by agency staff. Depending on role, users from organizations, universities, federal agencies, Institute/Center coordinators, the State Department (for FACTS) and the eRA Service Desk staff are able to access and use the functionality. In addition, AMM is also used by GrantSolutions administrators to create and manage GrantSolutions user accounts.

Main Screenshots

After logging into Commons, access Admin/Account Management (AMM) from the eRA Commons Home screen by clicking the Account management (Admin) button or by selecting Admin from the Main menu, as shown here: 


Figure 1: Accessing Admin/Account Management (AMM) from eRA Commons landing page and Main menu.

Figure 1: Accessing Admin/Account Management (AMM) from eRA Commons landing page and Main menu.

Accessing the Account Management Module from eRA Commons (Admin > Accounts > Account Management from some screens in eRA Commons [opens in new window])

Figure 2: Accessing the Account Management Module from eRA Commons (Admin > Accounts > Account Management from some screens in eRA Commons [opens in new window])


Account Management Module search screen

Figure 3: Account Management Module search screen


Account Management Module All Users Report screen

Figure 4: Account Management Module All Users Report screen 

What are the features?

AMM allows users to:

  • Create new user or system accounts with an associated password.
  • Search for existing user or system accounts.
  • Manage an existing user or system account.
  • Affiliate an account with an Organization, Agency, Or Institute/Center (IC)
  • Reset passwords on existing accounts (this functionality is for external users only)
  • Allow users with the right privileges to manage and create Integrated Review Group (IRG) clusters and committees within AMS. Note that this feature remains in the User Admin module. 
  • Allows the ability to assign IRG clusters to Agency users to create or modify accounts.

What are the benefits?

  • Provides an organized way to create, manage, search or deactivate existing user or system accounts.
  • Allows access to AMM from various stakeholder groups including: Agency Management, Commons users, and State Department staff.
  • Improves role assignment functionality.
  • Consolidates actions on search results screen.

Who can use AMM?

Agency Management Staff

  • Agency Staff
  • eRA Service Desk Administrators
  • Institute/Center (IC) Coordinators

University/Organization Staff with the following eRA Commons Roles

  • Accounts Administrator (AA)
  • Administrative Official (AO)
  • Business Official (BO)
  • Signing Official (SO)

State Department

  • FACTS State Department Clearance Manager (FACTS SDC MGR role)


  • GrantSolutions Administrator (FOAM_GS_AGENCY_ADMIN role)


See the AMM online help for more information.