What is the purpose?
Grant Folder is a shared interface among several eRA modules and serves as the main portal to view official grants-related documents for grant applications.
What are the features?
Allows users to retrieve data regarding a specific grant application, displaying the grant number, principal investigator (PI) name, project title, and institution, among other pertinent grant details.
Provides users access to basic documents and reports including snapshot reports, current and prior year summary statements, abstracts, notice of grant awards, and final progress reports, among other document access and functionality.
Provides information about PIs, including a brief and a detailed PI history.
What are the benefits?
Allows access to the Grant Folder from multiple modules when users have specific permissions.
Gives users an overview of grant information, providing access to needed information in one place.
Who can use this feature?
A majority of internal users will have access to Grant Folder via other eRA modules. For other functionality, such as access to eAdditions, users must have special privileges/roles. For external users, the signing official and PI can view the external equivalent of the Grant Folder via the Status Information screen in eRA Commons.