Using ASSIST to Complete an LRP Application

For Intramural or Extramural LRP Applicants

To apply for a Loan Repayment Program (LRP) award, you must complete an application in ASSIST. You will first initiate your LRP application. Once initiated, it usually takes several days to prepare, complete, and submit your LRP application because multiple individuals participate in the process. You cannot delete an application once it is initiated, however, if you possess the PI/PD (principal investigator/program director) role, you can update it's submission status to 'Abandoned'.

Follow the directions below to initiate an LRP application. See Overview of Loan Repayment Program Help for general tasks and a list of participants who must act in support of the application.

IMPORTANT: Consult the following for LRP policy guidance, including assistance on each field on the LRP application forms:
Instruction Guide for Extramural LRP Applicants:

Instruction Guide for Intramural LRP Applicants:
Also see the LRP website:

Filling Out LRP Application Forms

The basic steps you take to complete the application are:

  1. Navigate to each form by clicking its tab.

  2. Click the form's Edit button to make the form editable.

Edit button on ASSIST LRP form

  1. Fill out forms, taking care to complete required fields, marked with a red asterisk. For details on individual fields and what they mean, see the Instruction Guides for LRP Applicants (Intramural and Extramural). For general steps for using a form, see the following topics:

  1. Before leaving each form, click the Save button at the bottom of the form.
    The Save button performs basic validations to ensure that all required elements of the form have been filled out. If required fields are incomplete, a message lists incomplete fields and incomplete fields are also highlighted in red.

  1. Validate and submit the application for review by the Division of Loan Repayment (DLR); see Validating and Submitting an LRP Application for details.

  2. After submitting the application, monitor the submission of reference letters (see Monitoring Reference Letters Submission Through Personal Profile) and institutional business official (IBO) or IC Coordinator certification via the Status Information screen (see Monitoring LRP Application Status and Submissions Through Status).