Research Information

For Intramural LRP Applicants

The ClosedResearch Information form of the LRP Application requires you to develop and submit several research-related PDFs related to your LRP application. For formatting instructions, such as page limits, format requirements, filenames, file size, citation information, and more, refer to the Research Information section of the instruction guide referenced below:

IMPORTANT: Consult the following for LRP policy guidance, including assistance on each field on the LRP application forms: Instruction Guide for Intramural LRP Applicants Also see the LRP website.

Research Information screen of LRP application

To complete the ClosedResearch Information form:

  1. Click the Edit button to enable editing the form.

NOTE: The title you enter in the Research Project Title field will also be used in the IC Coordinator Portal to identify your application title. Enter a Project Abstract (2000 character limit).

  1. For each required attachment, click the Add Attachment button, select a file, and click the Submit button.

  2. Optionally, after adding an attachment, you can click View Attachment to view it with your browser's PDF viewer, click Delete Attachment to remove the file, or click Replace Attachment to replace the file with another. When replacing a file, you should give the new file a file name that is different than the file name given to the previously uploaded document (e.g., Personal Statement Version2) as this would allow you to ensure that the new/replacement document was successfully uploaded.

  3. Click the Save button when finished. The form will be validated and alert you about any potential errors.