Funding Information

For Extramural LRP Applicants

The ClosedFunding Information form contains details of your research funding. Your research must be funded by a domestic nonprofit entity to be eligible for an NIH LRP award. Funding sources may include NIH grants; grants from other federal, state, or local entities; and non-profit organizations. Your research may also be supported by start-up funds or the salary you receive from your nonprofit employer. You may have more than one funding source in some combination of the above.

Reference the Research Funding Information section in the document linked below for help on fields on this form.

IMPORTANT: Consult the following for LRP policy guidance, including assistance on each field on the LRP application forms:
Instruction Guide for Extramural LRP Applicants:

Instruction Guide for Intramural LRP Applicants:
Also see the LRP website:

Funding Information screen of LRP application

To complete the ClosedFunding Information form:

  1. Click the Edit button to enable editing the form.

  2. Mark all checkboxes that are applicable to the funding of your research.

  3. If you click the third checkbox, Through research grant(s)..., a set of fields appears, where you must specify at least one funding source. Click the Add New Entry button for one of these types of funding and fill out Closedthe popup that appears:

  • NIH Grant Support

  • Other Government Research Funding

  • Other Non-Profit Research Funding

Add New Funding Source Popup

  1. Click Submit in the popup after specifying the grant, and then optionally, click Add New Entry to add another award.

  2. Click the Save button when finished. The form will be validated and alert you about any potential errors.