Accessing the RPPR for Editing

Once an RPPR is initiated, its status becomes PD/PI Work in Progress and it becomes available for editing for the PI who initiated it. The PD/PI or delegate uses the Edit option for viewing and completing the report. If the RPPR is routed by the PI to another user (such as an SO or AO), then that user becomes the current reviewer and can edit the RPPR.

Agency-Specific Instructions: Department of Commerce (DOC). For DOC award RPPRs, see this topic for information on accessing an RPPR: Accessing a Work-in-Progress DOC RPPR.

NOTE: For RPPRs with multiple PD/PIs (MPI awards), only the Contact PD/PI has access to Edit unless the Contact PD/PI has granted progress report authority to other PD/PIs. Without this authority, MPIs can only view the RPPR PDF and its routing history.

There are two means of accessing the progress report for editing. These are similar methods used for initiating the report and are as follows:

  1. ClosedAccess RPPR from the Status module.
    1. Navigate to the Status module in eRA Commons.
    2. Click the List of Applications/Grants link from the Status screen or from the menu options.

      Status link and List of Appls link

    3. From the Status Result - List of Applications/Grants screen, locate the grant and click the RPPR link from the Action column for the specific grant. For multi-year funded awards, the link displays as RPPR Year <X>, the <X> representing the reporting year.

      RPPR link

      Sample RPPR Year 2 and RPPR Year 3 links


  1. ClosedAccess RPPR from RPPR module.
    1. Navigate to the RPPR modue in eRA Commons.
    1. Select the specific grant by clicking the link in the Award Number column on the Manage RPPR screen. SOs/AOs must perform a query first.

      Award Number link

    The appropriate RPPR Menu screen – either for single-project or multi-project RPPRs – displays with editing options.