Checking for Errors on a Multi-Project RPPR
To perform an error check on the Overall or individual component of a multi-project RPPRs, click the three-dot ellipsis icon and select Check for Errors on the RPPR Menu screen for the Overall or individual component being validated.
Agency-Specific Instructions: Department of Commerce (DOC). This topic does not apply to DOC award RPPRs.
NOTE: Refer to Accessing a Multi-Project or Single-Project with Complicated Structure RPPR for Editing for information on adding individual components to the RPPR.
If errors or a warning exist for the chosen component, the appropriate error or warning message displays for each failed occurrence. Select Check for Errors for other components to perform a check against them.
All errors must be corrected prior to submission; the system will prevent submission of an RPPR containing errors. However, the system will not prevent submission of an RPPR when a warning message is displayed. Warnings are in yellow; errors are in red/pink.
If all validations pass, a message displays indicating: No errors found on validation.