Status Search for SOs
If you are a signing official for an organization, you can use the Status module to select one of a variety of search screens that let you find specific applications or awards. Search results appear in a table; to learn about the tools that appear above the search results table, see Standard Tools for Tables.
Multiple search types use the Awarding Office/IC field to narrow results to one or more agencies, ICs, or departments. See Searching for Awards by Awarding Office/IC (Search Criteria) for more information on using this search critieria.
With the general search, you can search on the various parts of the award number, including type, activity code, IC, serial number, support year, and suffix; see Deciphering NIH Application/Grant Numbers. You can also search by PD/PI name, budget start and end dates, application status, and number.
As an alternative to the award number, you can search on Project Number. If you are searching for a contract project, type all or part of the contract number in the Project Number field, which appears below the six award number fields.
NOTE: Use either the six award number fields OR use the Project Number field; do not use both simultaneously because each searches a different type of numbering system and no results will appear when they are used together.
Navigate to the Status module and select General from the Search Type dropdown.
The following screen appears.
Enter criteria and click Search.
In the Status Results, click the Application/Award ID to see the Status Information screen for the award, and click its three-dot ellipsis menu for actions that can be performed on the award. See Sample Search Results below.
See Searching for Awards by Awarding Office/IC (Search Criteria) for information on using the Awarding/IC dropdown, which lets users search for awards based on what entity awarded the grant.
NOTE: The Status Result - General Search screen differs from the results displayed for PI users. Refer to Status for Program Directors/Principal Investigators (PI Role) for more information.
The Recently Awarded search is similar to the General Search, except the Recently Awarded Search lets you choose Days Since Awarded as a search criteria.
See Closeout Status.
This search option simply redirects you to the search screen in the ASSIST module, where you can start a new application or find and update an existing application. In ASSIST, click the HSS Applications checkbox to find any human subjects applications with required post submissions. Enter other search criteria, such as the PI name, to narrow the search results further. Consult the ASSIST help for help with the ASSIST search screen.
NOTE: For information on working with table tools to filter results, choose visible columns, download/print, limit rows per page, or navigate through pages of results, see Standard Tools for Tables.
The figure below represents a sample of various action links that could be displayed.
The results include the following information:
- Application/Award ID
The application ID is provided as a link, which when selected opens the Status Information screen. Status Information includes grant/application information such as status history, study section, contacts, etc. Refer to Status Information for more information.
If multiple PIs exist on the project, an MPI indicator appears next to the application ID.
- Tracking #
This column shows the number assigned when the application was submitted electronically to This is a non-sortable field.
- Proposal Title
The project name submitted on the application is displayed in this column.
NOTE: In the Proposal Title field, NFP (no further processing) is added to the application title to indicate that the application will not be referred for review.
- PD/PI Name
This is the Contact PI on the application.
- Application Status
This column displays the status of the application. To see a list of each application status, see
- Project Period and Budget Dates
Various actions can appear in the three-dot ellipsis menu.
- Accept/Decline Award
Department of Commerce (DOC) Awards Only. See e Administrative Supplements- Award Information Screen.
- Administrative Supplement
For grants having at least one administrative supplement request either in progress or submitted, but not reviewed. This link is used to view the status of the request. See Administrative Supplements- Award Information Screen.
- Agency Requested PRAM
Opens the Progress Report Additional Materials (PRAM) screen for submitting IC Requested PRAM. Responding to Agency Requested PRAM.
- Closed
This link opens the Closeout Status screen, which provides information on a closed grant. See Closeout Status.
Correspondence. See Correspondence.
- Extension
This link opens the No-Cost Extension (NCE) feature. See No-Cost Extension (NCE) for NIH Grants.
- Human Subjects
Provides access to the Human Subjects System (HSS) for viewing and managing inclusion enrollment data for off-cycle reporting, before the progress report is due. This link is available only for those grants requiring inclusion data. For more information about HSS via Status, refer to the separate Human Subjects System Online Help.
IMPORTANT: To submit inclusion enrollment data with a progress report, HSS must be accessed via the RPPR Section G. Special Reporting Requirements rather than through the Human Subjects link in the Status module. Refer to the NIH and Other PHS Agency Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) Instruction Guide for more information.
This link is displayed for applications eligible to submit Just In Time materials. Selecting the link opens the Just In Time screen. See Just in Time (JIT) Screen.
- Public Access PRAM
Opens the Progress Report Additional Materials (PRAM) screen for submitting Public Access PRAM. Responding to Public Access PRAM
- Reject eApplication
Available only to SO users, select this link to reject an electronically submitted application. If rejected, the status of the application is updated to Refused. See How Does an SO Reject the eApplication?
- Requires Closeout
This link opens the Closeout Status screen, which provides a means for uploading the required documents for closeout. See Closeout Status.
- Revision Request
Department of Commerce (DOC) Awards Only. Previously called Award Action Request, this option is for DOC awards only and lets awardees request a variety of types of changes to an award. See Revision Requests for DOC Awards.
Opens the RPPR Menu screen for editing or submitting a Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR). Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) Module.
- Start Relinquishing Statement
This only appears if you use the Relinquishing Statement search type on the Status search. Available to SOs and used to access the feature for initiating an electronic relinquishing statement.
- Transmittal Sheet
Opens the Transmittal Sheet on which is listed the institution name, proposal title, PI name, grant number, accession number, and proposal receipt date.
- Show Prior Errors and Warnings
This link opens the Errors/Warning for Prior eSubmissions screen, which lists validation or other errors that occurred upon submission. This action occurs ONLY if there are errors/warnings.
View Prior eSubmissions. Shows errors/warnings for prior eSubmissions. This link occurs only if there are NOT errors/warnings; if there are, then the previous action appears instead. Example:
View Terms Tracking. See Viewing Award Terms Tracking from Status Module.