Searching for and Modifying Existing Prior Approval Requests

Signing officials (SO), who see all the in progress Prior Approval requests at their institution, have a Search for Requests button on the Prior Approval landing screen as well as a Filter Table field to find records with matching text. An SO can search for, view, and modify in progress requests for the institution to which the SO is affiliated.

A principal investigator (PI), who typically has few in progress requests, can filter using three quick toggles. The PI sees self-initiated requests or requests that have been routed to the PI.

SO: Search for a Request

  1. On the Prior Approval landing page, click Search For Requests.
  2. Alternatively, you can type text in to show only those records with matching text, and you can click the request ID of any in progress item to modify it.
    The "Search Prior Approval Requests" screen opens, where you enter search criteria. ()

  1. Specify the following criteria and click Search:
    • Request ID
    • Request Type. Lets you narrow your search to just one of the Prior Approval request types.
    • Request Status. Lets you search for In Progress SO (assigned to the SO, either by SO initiation or routing from a PI), In Progress PI (assigned to the PI, either by PI initiation or routing from a SO) or Submitted to Agency. Submitted requests cannot be changed, but you can view their history or view the PDF of the final information submitted.
    • PI Name. Names of valid, matching PIs begin to appear as you begin typing
    • Each discrete part of the grant number (Activity Code, IC, Serial, etc)
    • Submission Date Range (From: and To:)
  2. In the results, use the three-dot ellipsis menu on a record to perform actions, such as viewing the PDF or history, or modifying (if not yet submitted). If the request has been routed, you see View under the three-dot ellipsis menu, which opens a read-only view of the request's details. Also see Viewing History of a Request.

Three-dot ellipsis menu showing actions that an SO can perform on a 'submitted' and 'in progress' request

If you choose Modify, the request details screen opens for the type of request. For details on editing a specific type of request, see:

Prior Approval - No Cost Extension (SO only)

Prior Approval - Other Request (SO only for FDA grants only)

Prior Approval - Withdrawal Request (SO or PI)

Prior Approval - Carryover Request (SO only)

Prior Approval - Change of PD/PI on a Grant (SO only)

Prior Approval - $500K Request (SO or PI)

PI: Search for a Request

By default, all in progress requests initiated by you or routed to you are displayed on the Prior Approval landing page. Use the three View by Status toggles to show only requests of a certain status. Once you find a request, you can click its three-dot ellipsis icon and select Modify to edit it. If the request was initiated by you, but you have routed it to an SO, it is read-only and you can click its three-dot ellipsis icon and select View.

Search Results