B. Accomplishments

The RPPR section B. Accomplishments allows the agency to assess whether satisfactory progress has been made during the reporting period.

See the RPPR Instruction Guide for details of how to fill this form out.

RPPR - B Accomplishments section

About the Trainee Diversity Report

Agency-Specific Instructions: Department of Commerce (DOC). DOC awardees do not use xTrain and do not have the Generate the Trainee Diversity Report link that is shown below.

Question B.4 of the Accomplishments section of the RPPR has a link to generate the automated Trainee Diversity Report for certain research training, career development, and research education grant types (if trainee data has been entered into xTrain). If you see the Generate the Trainee Diversity Report link in the RPPR Accomplishments section, instructions for generating the report can be found in the xTrain online help here: Generate the Trainee Diversity Report. Also see the NIH Guide Notice NOT-OD-20-178 and the Electronic Trainee Diversity Report video tutorial.

IMPORTANT: Only signing officials (SOs), program directors/principal investigators (PD/PIs), and SO delegates can submit a Trainee Diversity Report.

Generate the Trainee Diversity Report link