Manage Foreign Component Data

The Foreign Component Data screen opens when you click a FACTS button in the GM, PMM, or QVR applications.

When FACTS opens, this screen displays the Foreign Component (FC) data of the grant you were viewing in the referring application.

Use this screen to manage FC data for your IC:

  • Users with the IC State Department Clearance (IC SDC) Submitter role can initiate State Department Clearance Requests (SDCR).
  • Users with the FACTS Manager role can perform all functionality except dollar verification and editing or initiating SDCRs.

Foreign Component Data Screen with no Coutry/Site Data

If there is Closedany FC data to display, as in this example, the system organizes the data by collaborators/sites by country. If there is more than one collaborator/site for one country, the system presents the sites per country. The sites are organized by Site Identifier (ID).

Foreign Component Data Screen with Country/Site Data


  • Click the Add Country button to add a new country. For information, see Add Country.

  • Click the Delete Country button to delete a country from this component. Then click Yes in the confirmation dialog.

  • Click Edit Country button to edit a country in the Edit Country screen.

  • Click Add Collaborator/Site button to add or edit a collaborator/site in the country using the Add/Edit Collaborator/Site. screen.

  • Click the Initiate/Edit SDCR button to initiate or edit SDCR: For information, see Initiate/Edit State Department Clearance Request.

  • Use the ellipsis icon ellipsis icon (action menu) next to a Site ID to open a drop-down screen and select one of these actions:
    Actions menu