Add/Edit Collaborator/Site

The Add/Edit Collaborator/Site screen opens when you click an Add Collaborator/Site button or an Edit Site action in the Foreign Component Data or Add/Edit Country screen.

Users with the Foreign Component (FC) Manager role can add or edit site information.

The system sets the number of support years within the budget table as the same number of budget periods for any grant within the Competitive Segment. For more information, refer to the Competitive Segment section in the FACTS Overview. The system displays the editable fiscal years associated with the support years and their editable amounts.

For grants only, the system displays any of the subprojects that have been defined for the grant or the grant application within the Competitive Segment at the site. If any of the subprojects have already been added through FACTS for this site, then the subprojects are not listed.

Foreign Component Data - Add/Edit Collaborator/Site screen

ClosedAdding or Editing an Institution/Site

  1. To add or edit site information, complete at least the required fields noted by an asterisk:
  • Collaborator Last Name, First Name: Enter the last and first name.
  • Institution/Site: Click to select an institution from the drop-down menu.
    Or to add a new institution, type the name into the field then click to select it. A warning message will appear, telling you that the institution does not exist in the database. Click Yes in the message window if you want to create a new institution. Then complete the other fields as described below.
  • City: Click to select the city from the drop-down menu. Or if you need to add a new city, contact the eRA Service Desk ( and create a support ticket to request that the city be added.
  • Country

NOTE: Country dollar amounts entered are independent of collaborator/site dollar amounts. Country dollar amounts should be a total of all site dollar amounts per country. Commas are not allowed in the dollar amount fields.

  1. To set this site for tracking purposes, select the Tracking Purposes Only check box. Doing so sets the default Request Option when initiating a State Department Clearance Request to be Tracking Purposes Only for this site, so the site is no included as part of a new SDCR.
  2. To copy an address from the application, click the Copy Address from Application hyperlink.
    1. For more information, see View Application Addresses.
  3. To look up an Institution name, click the Look Up button associated with the Institution/Site field.

A pop-up search screen provides the ability to search for an Institution name, an External Organization Id, and/or a Country. The Country name is pre-populated from the country name on the Foreign Component Data - Add/Edit Collaborator/Site screen. The percent sign can be used as a wild card character search (i.e. %Hopkins%).

  1. Search for the Institution and click the appropriate Select button in the search results.

The system puts the Institution name into the Institution Name field. If available, the system puts the following field values from the look-up pop-up screen into the corresponding fields:

  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • City
  • State or Province
  • Country
  • Postal or Zip Code
  • Telephone
  • Email
  1. To add or edit a City, start typing the city name: The system displays a drop-down menu listing cities in the selected country. Click to select the one you want.

ClosedEntering/Removing Dollar Amounts

  1. To enter dollars for this site, click theentrer dollars Enter Dollars for this Site (optional) button.

The system allows entry of the dollar amounts and sets the button label to Remove Dollars from this Site.

NOTE: Collaborator/Site dollars entered are independent of country dollar amounts.

  1. To remove dollars from this site, click the Remove Dollars from this Site Remove Dollars from this Site button.

The system removes all dollar values and sets the button label to Enter Dollars for this Site (optional).

  1. To add a Support Year line, click the Add New Support Year hyperlink.
  2. To delete a Support/Fiscal Year line, click the X remove icon remove icon in the Remove column for the appropriate Support Year.

ClosedHuman/Animal Involvement

  1. To set the Human and/or Animal involvement or not involvement at this site, select the appropriate radio button.
  2. To view the Federal Wide Assurance (FWA) form click the FWA hyperlink.
  3. To set the FWA: status, select the appropriate radio button.
  4. To set the Animal Assurance: status, select the appropriate radio button.

NOTE: The default values for these fields are Not Specified.

ClosedAdd/Remove Subprojects

The Subprojects section is only available for Multicomponent grants. The Add/Edit Collaborator Site screen will not display this section for other grants.

  1. To add a subproject, click the Add Subproject Add Subproject button button.

The system displays a pop-up ClosedSubprojects screen with the list of all subprojects for the Competitive Segment and provides a Select check box next to each subproject in the list. The system does not display subprojects that are already on the screen within the list.

The system orders subprojects by the Institute/Centers' (IC's) Serial Number, support year, and subproject identification (ID). The system displays 50 subprojects at a time and allows for pagination if there are more than 50 subprojects.

Subprojects Screen

  1. On the pop-up screen, select check boxes for the appropriate subprojects and click the Add Subproject Selected Add Subproject button button.

Clicking the Add Subproject button closes the pop-up screen.

  1. To remove a subproject(s), click the X remove icon Remove icon for the appropriate subproject(s).

The system removes the selected subproject(s) from the Involved Subprojects at Site table.

Save, Cancel. Clear

  • To save the new site added or edited, click the Save button.
  • To exit the screen and cancel the changes, click Cancel.
  • To clear any changes, click Clear.