Adding a Current Job

If a current job is missing from the list, you can add a new one using the Add a New Job button in the Employment section of the Personal Profile.

To edit any section, first click the Edit button at the upper right of the section headers:

Edit button for a section of the Personal Profile

  1. Click the Add a New Job button from within Current Jobs.

    ClosedThe Add Current Job data fields display.

    Add Current Job box

  2. Enter the new job information in the following fields:

ClosedEmployer (required)

Select the appropriate radio button.

  • I work for a company or institution outside NIH
    • Click the Chose from List button to search for and select a company or institution.
    • Click the Name of Company Change button to change the name of the company.
  • I work inside NIH
    • Select the institute from the drop-down list.

Start Date (required)

Enter the start date of the job in a MM/YYYY format.

End Date

Enter the end date only if not currently in the job, otherwise leave this field blank.

Job Title (required)

Enter the position/title held at the job.

ClosedAbout this job

Select all applicable checkboxes:

  • This is my primary employment. . Mark this checkbox ONLY if this job is where you are CURRENTLY employed.
  • This job is.  Choose: Full time or Part time (required)
  • This is a job working directly for the federal government. Choose Yes or No (required)
  • This is a faculty teaching position. A dropdown appears; select an option that best matches your academic rank.
  • This is an academic administrative position. A dropdown appears; select an option that best matches your administrative position.

ClosedYour address and contact information at this job

Enter the address information:

  • Street Address (required)
  • City (required)
  • Country (required)
  • State/Province (required)
  • ZIP Code (required)
  • Phone (required)
  • Email (required)
  1. Click the Add button.
  1. You can continue editing your profile as necessary, but you must click the Save All button to save the information.