Editing a Current Job

Before editing your profile, remember to first click the Edit button at the top of the Personal Profile screen to make it editable.
Edit button at the top right of Personal Profile screen

  1. Click the Edit button for the current job.

    ClosedThe Edit Current Job data fields display.

    Edit Current Job section

  2. Enter information for the following fields:

ClosedEmployer (required)

Select the appropriate radio button.

  • I work in a company or institution outside NIH
    • Click the Name of Company Change button to change the name of the company.
  • I work inside NIH
    • Select the institute from the dropdown.

Start Date (required)

Enter the start date of the job in a MM/YYYY format.

End Date

Enter the end date only if not currently in the job, otherwise leave this field blank.

Job Title(required)

Enter the position/title held at the job.

ClosedAbout this job

Select all applicable checkboxes.

  • This is my primary employment. . Mark this checkbox ONLY if this job is where you are CURRENTLY employed.
  • This job is.  Choose: Full time or Part time (required)
  • This is a job working directly for the federal government. Choose Yes or No (required)
  • This is a faculty teaching position. A dropdown appears; select an option that best matches your academic rank.
  • This is an academic administrative position. A dropdown appears; select an option that best matches your administrative position.

ClosedYour address and contact information at this job

Enter the address information:

  • Street Address (required)
  • City (required)
  • Country (required)
  • State/Province (required if applicable)
  • ZIP Code (required)
  • Phone (required)
  • Email (required)
  1. Click the Update button.
  2. You can continue editing your profile as necessary, but you must click the Save All button to save the information.