You are here: FFR Module > Overview of FFR

Revised 7/23/2015

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Report Submission Due Dates

The FFR is prepared and submitted by Grant and Contract Accounting (GCA) on behalf of the Principal Investigator (PI). The schedule for submitting required financial reports is generally specified in the award documents of a grant or contract. See NIH FFR Supplemental instructions. Different due dates exist for FFRs depending on whether the report is an annual report or the final report.

Annual Federal Financial Report

For awards requiring annual submission of an FFR, the report must be submitted each budget period within 90 days of the calendar quarter in which the budget period ended. The reporting period for the annual FFR is the budget period for the award. The actual submission date is based on the calendar quarter (6/30, 9/30, 12/31, and 3/31).

Final Federal Financial Report

For awards requiring a final FFR the due date and status for a final FFR are based on the Project Period End Date (PPED) as follows:

Roles and Responsibilities

An extramural institution user who has the authority to view, enter, and submit an FFR on behalf of his entire organization is assigned the FSR role in eRA Commons.

Depending on the institution’s workflow process, it is possible for the Signing Official (SO) or Business Official/Administrative Official (BO/AO) to have FSR person responsibilities. As such, these two authorities may be combined on the same account.

NOTE: An account with only the FSR role assigned can only perform tasks associated with FFRs; however, an account can include multiple roles, including that of FSR.

Accessing FFR

The FFR module is a web-based application and is accessible through the eRA Commons system. To access FFR from eRA Commons:

  1. Navigate to Commons on the internet at
  2. Log into Commons using your User Name and Password.
  3. Closed toggler arrowSelect the FFR/FSR tab from the Commons Main screen.

    FFR/FSR menu tab

    The Federal Financial Report/Financial Status Report Search screen displays.


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