You are here: FFR Module > FFR Details

Revised 7/23/2015

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FFR Details

IMPORTANT: The information in this topic is specific to external Commons users who hold the FSR role (i.e., not NIH or Agency staff). For Agency staff with the OFM role, refer to the topic titled FFR Details (for internal users).

Closed toggler arrowClicking the grant number link on the Federal Financial Report/Financial Status Report Search Result screen opens the FFR Details for grants with an FFR latest status of Received, Accepted, Rejected, In Review, or Revision Pending. The FFR Details screen displays the FFR Created Date, FFR Status, and available Action for that FFR.

Multiple records could appear on the FFR Details screen if previous reports were submitted.

Depending on the latest status of the FFR, the available actions could include viewing in addition to either creating, editing, or correcting. Refer to the topic titled FFR Details – Action Options for specifics on these actions. The available action options per status are as follows:

NOTE: If an FFR is Due, Pending, or Late and has not been started, clicking the link for the grant number in the search results will open a new FFR form which can be populated and submitted. Refer to the topic titled Federal Financial Report Form for details on populating an FFR form.

FFR Details screen shows two records for the grant: Received and Accepted status FFRs


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