Grant Portfolio tab

Search for Grants

Click the Grant Portfolio tab to open the Search for Grants screen.

Use this screen to search for grant awards and assign and manage tracked terms and conditions.

NOTE: You can only access this screen if you have the GMM_ADMIN_ROLE or GMM_READ_ONLY_ROLE.

Grant Portfolio tab, Search for Grants screen

Browse Mode

The search screen opens in browse mode showing grants with unresolved terms and conditions that are assigned to you as Grants Management Officer (GMO) or Grant Specialist (GS). Use the Assigned Grants and All Grants buttons at the top right to toggle between showing all grants for your IC or only just grants assigned to you.

You can click the arrows at the top of each column to sort the search results by that criteria, or type text in the Filter box and immediately see the filter text highlighted in yellow in every place it occurs in the results.

Active Search

For active searching, click Advanced Search Options to Closed toggler arrowopen the Advanced Search display:

Advanced Search Options

Type search terms in the text fields and select other search criteria from drop-down menus. The following criteria are available:

  • Activity Code — Open the drop-down menu and use the checkboxes to select activity codes.
  • Grant Program (PCC) - Open the drop-down menu to expose a search field and use the checkboxes to select programs.
  • T&C Name — Enter all or part of term or condition name.
  • Continuation Status — Open the drop-down menu and select a status.
  • Continuation Submission Range — Select beginning and end dates to search by the date the continuation was submitted.
  • IC(s) — Open the drop-down menu and click to select IC(s). Note: The drop-down shows only the ICs for which you have the TERMS_TRACKING_ADMIN_ROLE.
  • PD/PI Name — Enter all or part of PD or PI name.
  • Terms Tracking Status — Open the drop-down menu and select Not Tracked, Unresolved, Resolved, Closed, In-Review or Archived to search for grants that have terms with the selected status.
  • Continuation Open Date Range — Select beginning and end dates to search by continuation open date.
  • Continuation Due Date Range — Select beginning and end dates to search by continuation due date.
    • Include expired Grants — Click to include expired grant segments in the search.
  • Serial # — Enter all or part of the grant serial number.
  • Grants Specialist GS) — Open the drop-down menu to expose a search field and use the checkboxes to select the Grants Specialists. Note: If you are a GS, your name is selected by default.
  • Budget Period Start Range — Select beginning and end dates to search by budget period start date.
  • Budget Period Start Range — Select beginning and end dates to search by budget period start date.


Search Results

You can click the arrows at the top of each column to sort the search results by that criteria, or type text in the Filter box and immediately see the filter text highlighted in yellow in every place it occurs in the results.

Grant Portfolio Search Results



  1. Use the checkboxes on the left side of the grid to select grant records you want to take action on.
  2. You can select records row by row, and/or click the multi-select menu above the checkboxes to use one of these options:

Multi-select options

The counter above the hitlist table will tell you how many rows you've selected:
selected row count

IMPORTANT: Note that any selections you make are persisted as long as you remain in the search screen: You can move through the pages of results, selecting records on multiple pages, and all the records will stay selected until you navigate away from the search screen or perform one of these deselect actions:

  1. Next: When you have selected the grant records you want, follow the instructions below to Assign Terms or Generate Correspondence or to export the records.

Generate Correspondence

Follow these steps to select grant records and send 2-way bulk correspondence to the selected grantees:
Note: You can select up to 3000 records at a time.

  1. Use the checkboxes as described above to select one or more grants.
  2. Then click the Generate Correspondence button to compose and send the message in the Selected Grant Details screen. See Generate Correspondence for more information.

Other Actions

Click the Action buttons in the grid to perform these actions on individual grant records:

Actions menu