Manage Continuation Schedule
When you click the Change Continuation Dates button for a grant in the Search for Grants screen, the Manage Continuation Schedule screen opens.
By default, the open date of a grant year is 6 months prior to the next budget period end date, and the due date is 3 months prior to budget period end.
Use this screen if you want to change the open dates and due dates of future grant years.
- To change the continuation schedule, find the support year you want to change and click one of the date fields and select a new open date or due date.
- Then click Save to save the change.
- Open Date (On the open date for the grant's next continuation year, GM sends a notification to the grantee's PD/PI and Business Official.
- Due Date GM also sends a notification one month prior to the continuation due date, and another one day after the due date.