View Terms/Milestones Tracking Details

This screen shows the current tracking status of all terms assigned to the award, sorted by Budget Period.

Users with the following role combinations can use this screen to access terms tracking properties for the award:

Closed toggler arrowSAMHSA Term Tracking Details

When SAMHSA users click the View Terms/Milestones Tracking action in the Grant Portfolio tab or Grant Awards tab, the View Terms Tracking Details screen opens. (You can also launch this screen from the Grant Folder's Award Terms tab, or from a PMM grant summary.)

SAMHSA View Terms Tracking Details

Closed toggler arrowOTA Milestone Tracking Details

In the Grants Management (GM) module , when NIH OTA users click the Milestones Tracking button in the Terms screen, the TCM View Milestones Tracking Details screen opens.

(You can also launch this screen from the Grant Folder's Award Terms tab, and OTA Program staff can access it from a grant summary in PMM.)

OTA Milestone Tracking Details

About This Screen

At the top of the screen you can see the organization name, core grant number (i.e., activity code, IC, and serial number), grant program or Program Class Code (PCC), and project title as well as the current federal and grantee points of contact.

At the bottom of the screen, there are tabs for each awarded Budget Period, with the Budget Period Start and End Dates listed. Click a tab to view the terms aligned to awards in that support year.

Enter a keyword in the Filter field to show only rows that include the filter text.


Grid Columns

There is a column for each term applied to an award. Closed toggler arrowEach row includes the following columns:

You can sort by any column except Actions.

Grid Expansion Area

Click the right-arrow icon next to a term name to see additional information about the term, such as the due dates of term tasks and the user roles who are receiving notifications about term activity, as shown below. Click the down-arrow icon next to the term name to close the expansion area.

View Terms Tracking Details screen expanded view


Click the three-dot ellipsis action icon in the expansion area to choose one of these actions for a term task:

View Terms Tracking Details expansion area Actions menu