View Application Addresses

The VIew Application Addresses button View Application Addresses button is present in the header of most FACTS screens.

Click this button to view the addresses associated with the application:

View Application Addresses screen

The following addresses are displayed:

  • Institution - The grantee's Institution's address as specified on the Face Page of Form424 or Form398.
  • Program Director/Principal Investigator (PD/PI) — The Home Office Address (HOM) profile address of each PD/PI on the grant application, starting with the Contact PD/PI and sorted alphabetically by last name, first name.
  • Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) — The AOR's address as identified on the grant application.
  • Performance Site Address(es) — shown if one exists.

NOTE: The View Addresses button is not available in Contract records.

Copy Address from Application

Users with the FACTS Manager role can copy application addresses into to the FACTS system.

When you click a Copy Address from Application button in a FACTS screen, the View Application Addresses section opens.

Click a Copy Address button to copy the address you want.