
For Intramural or Extramural LRP Applicants

After initiating an LRP application, you see the application, which consists of ten forms. The first form you see is Closedthe Summary form, which contains information about your application. Initially you do not do anything on this form, but after you complete all the forms, you will come back to the Summary form to submit.

Note the Application Close Date; this is the date by which you must submit your application. All reference letters must be submitted by this date. Your institutional business official or IC Coordinator must have completed your initial certification by this date. Application deadlines are located on the home page of the LRP website at

For information on filling out forms, see Using ASSIST to Complete an LRP Application.

For more information on submitting, see Validating and Submitting an LRP Application.

Contact the LRP Information Center if you have questions or receive a warning that you are applying for an incorrect award type (new or renewal).

IMPORTANT: Consult the following for LRP policy guidance, including assistance on each field on the LRP application forms:
Instruction Guide for Extramural LRP Applicants:

Instruction Guide for Intramural LRP Applicants:
Also see the LRP website:

Summary screen of LRP application