Certify & Submit

For Intramural or Extramural LRP Applicants

On the Certify & Submit screen, complete the checkboxes to indicate that you have read the Certifications for Online Applications and your NIH Loan Repayment Program Contract. Completing these checkboxes and entering your name serves as your signature on these documents.

IMPORTANT: Consult the following for LRP policy guidance, including assistance on each field on the LRP application forms:
Instruction Guide for Extramural LRP Applicants:

Instruction Guide for Intramural LRP Applicants:
Also see the LRP website:

To complete the ClosedCertify & Submit form:

  1. Click the Edit button to enable editing the form.

  2. Read each section and Closedmark its checkbox. Required fields are marked with red asterisks (*).

  3. Complete Closedthe first signed certification by entering your name and clicking the accompanying certification checkbox. This serves as a legal signature.

Certify & Submit--top of screen

  1. Read the contract, and then complete Closedthe second certification by entering your name and clicking the accompanying certification checkbox. This serves as a legal signature.

Certify & Submit--bottom of screen

  1. Click the Save button when finished. The form will be validated and alert you about any potential errors.