How Do I Manage Participating Faculty Members (New Application)?

Select the Participating Faculty link from the RTD menu on the left of the screen. This will open the Participating Faculty Members table and display the participating faculty added to the RTD - or a message indicating that no faculty have been added, when appropriate. (Closedclick to view)

Participating Faculty Members

How Do I Add Faculty?

TIP: Faculty may be added individually or via a Bulk Upload.

How Do I Add Faculty Individually?

  • Select the Add Faculty button.
    1. Use the parameters on the Search for Person(s) window to find the faculty member. To look outside your institution, uncheck the box titled Search for persons who have a Commons affiliation with my institution.

      NOTE: You must enter a Commons User ID, Person ID, or Last Name to perform a search.

    2. Select the Search Persons button. (Closedclick to view)

      Search for Faculty

    1. All matching records display in the Person(s) table. Select the Add to RTD check box for the person you wish to add, then click the Add Person(s) button. The person is added to the Participating Faculty Members list.

How Do I Add Faculty Via a Bulk Upload?

  • Select the Upload Participating Faculty button below the table.
    1. The next screen will display the RTD and PD/PI information in the top section. The bottom section, under "Upload Participating Faculty ", contains notes regarding how to perform a bulk upload. Click the Show More link for instructions on creating and formatting a tab-delimited file, as well as a link to download a tab-separated (TSV) text template file (.txt). Use these tools to create the upload file. (Closedclick to view the screen)

      Upload Faculty Members screen

    2. Once the upload file has been prepared, use the browse link to select and upload the file.
    1. If there are any errors in the upload file, a message will appear above the filename with a link to details of the errors. These errors will need to be corrected before the upload will succeed. (Closedclick to view error message)

      Faculty Upload error message

    1. If the upload is accepted, a confirmation message will display. The name of the upload file will display in the field above the Browse button. (Closedclick to view)

      Successful upload message

      Click the Proceed button. The values from the uploaded document will be updated in the appropriate Participating Faculty Detail tables as well. (Rank, Research Interest, Training Roles, Predocs in Training, Predocs Graduated, Predocs Continued in Research and Related Careers, Postdocs in Training, Postdocs Completed Training, and Postdocs Continued in Research and Related Careers)

    1. To validate that the table and the details updated correctly, click on the Participating Faculty link again in the left-side menu.

How Do I Edit Faculty Members?

Click the hyperlinked faculty member name to edit the participating faculty details for the selected member. Refer to the topic titled Refer to Participating Faculty Detail (New Application) .

How Do I Remove a Faculty Member?

Select the Remove Participating Faculty button Remove Participating Faculty button to remove the faculty member from the RTD. At the confirmation, select Delete.

Concept Link IconSee Also