Institutional Training Support Detail (New Application)

Click the hyperlinked grant title in the Institutional Training Support section of the Training Support & Summary to open the Editing screen.

Institutional Training Support Detail

Number of Trainee Positions

Use this section to add the number of Predoc, Postdoc, Short-term trainee positions, and Participating Faculty positions.

  1. Select the Edit button.
  2. In the Institutional Training Support pop up, enter the appropriate totals.
  3. Click the Save button.

Overlapping Faculty

Use this section to update the names and number of overlapping faculty.

Add Overlapping Faculty Button

1. Select the Add Overlapping Faculty button. The Add Overlapping Faculty screen is displayed.

Add Overlapping Faculty screen

Figure 3: Add Overlapping Faculty screen

2. Select the Add Overlapping Faculty button Add Overlapping Faculty button for any participating faculty members that are also on the Institution Training Grant.

TIP: If a needed faculty member does not display in the results, then add the faculty member as Participating Faculty as described in the topic titled Refer to How Do I Manage Participating Faculty Members (New Application)? for new applications.

The table updates to indicate that the faculty member has been added.

Add Overlapping Faculty screen with faculty added
3. Select the Close button.

The Overlapping Faculty Name displays on the Institutional Training Support Detail screen with the option to Remove the overlapping faculty member. The updated total count of the overlapping faculty is calculated by system and is displayed as read-only.

Concept Link IconSee Also