Edit Funding Source

xTRACT users with the proper privileges can maintain an institution's funding sources for use in research training data sets for progress reports, revisions, or renewals on existing training grants or for new applications.

The Edit Funding Source screen is used to maintain the funding source data.

To access this screen, click a hyperlinked project title after successfully searching for the funding source.

Edit Non-NIH Funding Source screen

To maintain a funding source: 

  1. Complete the fields in the Edit Funding Source section.
    • Type of Funding Source (required): Select the appropriate type of funding source from the list: Fellowship; Other; Research Assistantship; Research Grant; Scholarship; Teaching Assistantship; Training Grant
    • Source of Support: Select the appropriate choice from the list: NIH; Foundation; National Science Foundation (NSF); Non-US ; Other; Other Federal; University
    • Project Title (required): Enter the project title for the funding source.
    • Funding Source Number: Enter a funding source number as needed.
    • Start Date (mm/yyyy or yyyy): Enter as MM/YYYY or YYYY
    • End Date (mm/yyyy or yyyy): Enter as MM/YYYY or YYYY
    • Description: Enter a description of the source as needed. This field has a maximum limit of 200 characters.
  2. Select the Save button to save the information.

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