You are here: FFR Module > Submitting an FFR

Revised 7/23/2015

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Submitting an FFR

To submit an FFR report, it must first be saved. Closed toggler arrowAfter completing the form, select the Save button on the FFR form to save the entered data. Once the Save button has been selected, the Submit button will appear at the top of the screen.

Top portion of a sample FFR form, highlighting the Save button

To submit the report to Agency:

  1. Closed toggler arrowSelect the Submit button.

    Top portion of the form showing the Submit button

    Closed toggler arrowThe Submit FFR screen displays with a certification message as follows:

    I certify to the best of my knowledge that this report is correct and complete and that all outlays and unliquidated obligations are for the purpose set forth in the award documents.

  2. Select the Submit button on this screen to complete the submission process.

    Submit FFR screen showing certification statement


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