You are here: FFR Module > FFR Details Screen > FFR Details Action Options

Revised 7/23/2015

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FFR Details – Action Options

This topic discusses the possible options available from the Action column on the FFR Details screen. The options vary depending on the status of the FFR and not all options will be available for all FFRs.

View FFR

Grants with FFR in all statuses other thanPending, Late, and Due can be viewed using the View link in the Action column of the FFR Details screen. Additionally, this is the only option for an FFR in In Review status.

To view an existing FFR:

  1. Closed toggler arrowClick the View link in the Action column.

    FFR Details screen focusing on the View link for FFR records

  2. Closed toggler arrowFrom the File Download window, choose the option to open the file. You may also save the file locally to view at a later time.

    File Download popup

  3. Closed toggler arrowWhen the file is open, you can navigate through the pages and/or print the report as needed.

    Sample (top portion only) of Federal Financial Report in PDF format highlighting navigation and print tools

Create New FFR

Grants with FFR status of Accepted or Rejected the Create New link displays in the Action column on the FFR Details screen. Selecting this link opens the FFR form for editing and submission.The FFR module will pull previously entered data from its database and pre-populate the form.

Closed toggler arrowTo create a new FFR from the FFR Details screen, click the Create New link to open an FFR form.

FFR Details for an Accepted FFR record with the Create New link available

NOTE: If an FFR is Due, Pending, or Late and has not been started, clicking the link for the grant number on the FFR Search Result screen will open a new FFR form which can be populated and submitted.

Complete the required and optional fields on the report form and select the Save button to save the information. If submitting the form, select the Submit button. The Submit button is only available after saving.

The topic titled Federal Financial Report Form discusses the form's fields in detail as well as how to submit the form.

Edit FFR

Grants with FFR status of Revision Pending display with the Edit link in the Action column on the FFR Details screen. The FFR module will pull previously entered data from its database and pre-populate the form.

To edit the FFR:

  1. Closed toggler arrowClick the Edit link from the FFR Details screen.

    Sample FFR Details showing a Revision Pending record with the Edit link

  2. The Federal Financial Report form screen displays. Update the FFR fields as appropriate.
  3. Click the Save button on the form to save your edits.
  4. Optional: If submitting the form, select the Submit button. The Submit button is only available after saving.

The topic titled Federal Financial Report Form discusses the form's fields in detail as well as how to submit the form.

Correct FFR

Grants with FFR status of Received display with the Correct link in the Action column on the FFR Details screen. The FFR module will pull previously entered data from its database and pre-populate the form.

To correct the FFR:

  1. Closed toggler arrowClick the Correct link.

    FFR Details screen showing a Received status record with the 'Correct' link available

  2. The Federal Financial Report form screen displays. Update the FFR fields as appropriate.
  3. Click the Save button on the form to save your edits.
  4. Optional: If submitting the form, select the Submit button. The Submit button is only available after saving.

The topic titled Federal Financial Report Form discusses the form's fields in detail as well as how to submit the form.


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