Revised 7/23/2015

FFR Details (for internal users)

IMPORTANT: The information in this topic is specific for internal Commons users holding the OFM role.

Closed toggler arrowUse the FFR Details screen to access FFRs for viewing or reviewing. FFR Details displays the following information for the selected grant:

Sample FFR Details screen for an internal OFM user

To open a read-only PDF file version of the FFR, select the View link from the Action column.

To review the FFR, select the Review link from the Action column. When Review is selected the Federal Financial Report form opens for review. From within the form, you can perform the following:

For a description of the fields found on the FFR form, refer to the Commons Online Help System topic titled Federal Financial Report Form.

Closed toggler arrowClick here for a sample image of the FFR form.

Sample FFR form.

Concept Link IconSee Also

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