Application Submission Status Workflow for Multi-Project Applications
IMPORTANT: This topic is applicable only to multi-project applications.
As your multi-project application evolves, its status is updated to reflect the current stage in the submission process. This may be a manual status update or an automatic update performed by ASSIST (i.e., system-generated).
The following provides a definition of the various status levels of an application.
Work in Progress: Allows editing of an application
All Components Final: Indicates that all components are in a status of Final (if not Abandoned); also indicates that the application is ready for the Validate Application process
All Components Validated: System-generated status set when the Validate Application process runs error-free
Ready for Submission: Manual status which should be set after all internal reviews have taken place
Submitted: System-generated status set after submitting the application to
Submission Errors: System-generated status indicating that the validation process returned errors
Abandoned: Manual status applied to indicate that the application is no longer being worked on
NOTE: The ability to update an application's status is dependent on the status of its components. If an application's components are not in the proper status, certain application status updates cannot be made. Refer to the table in the Update Application Submission Status topic for the valid conditions for updating the application status.
The figure below provides a general overview of the typical flow of an application from Work in Progress to Ready for Submission status.