Setup and Edit Term/Milestone Tracking

When you click the Edit Term/Milestone Tracking button in the TCM View Term/Milestone Tracking Details screen, the Setup and Edit Tracking screen opens.

Click the Back to View Terms button to return to the View Terms/Milestones Tracking Details screen.

Grants staff can use this screen to setup or edit tracking attributes for the term. OTA Program staff can perform these functions on Programmatic Terms.

Read-only users can view tracking details and add comments.

At the top of the screen you can see the organization (i.e., institution) name, term name, award number, budget period start and end dates, and the term content. Note that the term content is not editable.

See below for instructions on setting up tracking.

Closed toggler arrowSAMHSA Edit Terms Tracking

Setup and Edit Terms Tracking screen

Closed toggler arrowNIH OTA Edit Milestone Tracking

OTA Milestones Tracking screen

Setup Tracking

if tracking has not been set up for the term/milestone, The Setup Tracking button Setup Tracking button will be present. Click it to begin tracking. The tracking attributes sections of the screen become editable. Configure the tracking attributes as described below.

Edit Tracking

If tracking has already been set up for the term/milestone, the tracking attributes sections of the screen will be editable. Configure the tracking attributes as described below.

For SAMHSA Users — editing tracking on a previously awarded term take effect immediately for all users. Saving a tracking change on a previously awarded term generates the following warning message.

Warning message that reads, "Changes to an award term are effective immediately upon editing and will be viewable to anyone looking at the term. "

Warning message that reads, "Changes to an award term are effective immediately upon editing and will be viewable to anyone looking at the term. "

Remove Tracking

If tracking attributes have been set up, the Remove Tracking button Remove Tracking button will be present. Click it to clear all tracking attributes.
But note: If there is a due date with a Resolved status, then the system will not allow you to remove tracking: You must first change the status to Unresolved before you click Remove Tracking.

Tracking Attributes

You can set the following tracking attributes:



Staff to notify upon receipt

Use the checkboxes to send a notification email the GMS and/or PO when the grantee submits materials in response to this term (i.e., a submission date has been entered for this term). For more information, see Notifications.

Grantee personnel to notify upon receipt

Use the checkboxes to send a notification email to the PD/PI and/or BO when the status of the term task changes to In-Review. For more information, see Notifications.

Grantee personnel to send warning notices

Use the checkboxes to send a warning email to the PD/PI and/or BO 30 days before the term's due date if a submission date has not been entered. For more information, see Notifications.

Grantee personnel to send late reminders

Use the checkboxes to send reminder emails to the PD/PI or BO if the term is still unresolved 1 day and 30 days after the term's due date passes. For more information, see Notifications.

Term Tracker


Use the calendar pickers to set due dates for tasks associated with fulfilling this term.
Note: you must enter at least one due date if you set any of the notifications.

Set these properties to configure a task due date: 

  • Due Date — Click the field and use the date picker to set the due date for the task (or enter the due date in the format MM/DD/YYYY).
    If necessary, you can click Add due date to add additional due date rows to the grid.
    To remove a due date, clear the due date field or click the delete icon delete icon to remove the due date row.
    Note: Grants staff can only edit or delete the due date if all of the following conditions are true:

    • The budget period is not expired.
    • A RAM has not been created.
    • No Removal Date is set.
    • No Submission Date or RAM submission date is set.
    • No email notifications have been sent out for the term.
    • The term's status is Unresolved (you cannot edit the due date if the status is Resolved, In-Review or Closed ).
  • Task Description — Describe the task that must be performed by this due date.
  • Submission Date — You can manually set the Submission Date as long as there is no grantee submission. If there is a grantee submission, the submission date is displayed here.

  • Removal Date — The Removal Date is editable and required only when the Term Status is changed to Resolved.

  • Status — To update the status of a term task: Click the Status drop-down menu to set the status to Resolved, Unresolved, Closed or In-review
    Note: Once the status is set to Resolved or Closed and the term is saved, you cannot change any more tracking attributes for that term due date (except for the Task Description)
    Note: For term tasks that have a RAM submission, when you change the status from unresolved to resolved, an Auto Publish checkbox appears in the screen, checked by default. Uncheck it if you wish. The system will remember your auto-publish selection: For the rest of the session, when you change the status of another task, the Auto Publish check box default to the setting you chose previously.


Optionally, enter a comment about the term.

And if you wish, also click the Notify internal staff checkbox to send notification of the comment to agency staff.

Task Description Optionally, enter a description of this task.

When you are finished setting the tracking attributes, click Save to save your changes or click Cancel to discard them.

Or click Remove Tracking to clear all tracking attributes.

After you save or cancel, the system returns you to the View Terms Tracking Details screen.