
TCM sends notifications at the following points in the lifecycle of a tracked term.

Notification Description Recipients Notification Type
Submission Issued when the grants staff enters or updates the Submission Date for a tracked term GMS, PO Consolidated
In Review Issued when term status changes to In Review PD/PI, BO Real-time
Return RAM Issued when grants staff returns a RAM submission to the grantee PD/PI, BO Real-time
Add Term Comment Issued when a user adds a comment to a term with the Send Internal Notification option checked GMS, PO Real-time
30-day Warning Issued 30 days before a term's due date PD/PI, BO Consolidated
Late Issued the day after a missed due date PD/PI, BO Consolidated
30-day Late Issued 30 days after a missed due date PD/PI, BO Consolidated
Closed Issued when a term is changed to Closed status PD/PI, BO Real-time

NOTE:  For information on configuring notification behavior for a term or condition, see Setup and Edit Terms Tracking.

About Consolidated Notifications: