Step 3: Preview Selected Terms/Milestone
When you click Next in the Manage Selected Terms/Milestones screen. the system performs certain validations and the Preview Selected screen opens to summarizes the changes you are about to make:
SAMHSA Preview Selected Terms
OTA Preview Milestones
At the top, this screen reports any items that were flagged during these validation checks:
- Duplicative Terms: If you have selected any terms that have already been assigned to the grant, these checkboxes let you choose how to handle such duplicates: Keep the existing versions, or replace them with the terms in this batch.
- Due Dates: If any tracked term has an invalid due date, this section notifies you of the problem. You can still proceed with the term assignment, but if you set up term tracking, it will not be applied to the awards with invalid due dates. Click Yes to proceed or click No to proceed but disregard term assignments with invalid due dates.
- WIP Status: You can only assign terms to awards that are in WIP status. But if any awards are not in WIP status, these checkboxes give you the option to automatically change all awards to WIP status. Click Yes to move all awards to WIP and assign the selected terms, or click No to proceed but exclude the terms to the affected awards.
- Budget Period : If the Budget Period has expired for any of the selected awards, this section notifies you of the problem. You can still proceed with the term assignment, but if you set up term tracking, it will not be applied to the affected awards. Click Yes to proceed or click No to proceed without applying tracking to terms on the affected awards.
Below the validations, this screen lists the grants to which the selected terms will be applied.
For each grant, you can click the > right-arrow icon next to the grant number to expand the item and display the
Terms and Conditions Assignment Results table and a formatted preview of the terms as they will appear in the FOA:
Follow these steps to complete the term assignment:
- Review the assigned terms/milestones.
- If you want, you can use the buttons at the top of the screen to perform these actions:
- Start Over — Clear all assigned terms and return to the Step 1: Search for Terms to Assign screen to perform a new search.
- Manage Selected Terms — Return to the Step 2: Manage Selected Terms screen to add or remove terms or edit their text.
- Search for Terms — Keep the assigned terms and return to the Step 1: Search for Terms to Assign screen to search for additional terms.
- Export to Excel — Click to export the terms assignment results to Excel. This is useful if you need to use the terms assignment results outside of the system. Note: You can also opt to perform this export in the next step.
- If term content is acceptable, click Assign Terms to complete the assignment.
- If you have not already exported term assignment results to Excel, first click the Exportbutton to perform the export and then complete the assignment.
NOTE: Click the checkbox labeled Click here to proceed. Export to Excel the Results List if Necessary. Without checking this box, the Assign button remains disabled.
- When you click Assign Terms, the Step 4: Terms Assignment Confirmation screen opens.