Step 3: Preview Selected Terms/Milestone

When you click Next in the Manage Selected Terms/Milestones screen. the system performs certain validations and the Preview Selected screen opens to summarizes the changes you are about to make:

Closed toggler arrowSAMHSA Preview Selected Terms

SAMHSA  Review Selected Terms screen

Closed toggler arrow OTA Preview Milestones

OTA Preview Milestones

At the top, this screen reports any items that were flagged during these validation checks:

Below the validations, this screen lists the grants to which the selected terms will be applied.

For each grant, you can click the > right-arrow icon next to the grant number to expand the item and display the Closed toggler arrowTerms and Conditions Assignment Results table and a formatted preview of the terms as they will appear in the FOA:

Terms and Conditions Assignment Results

Follow these steps to complete the term assignment:

  1. Review the assigned terms/milestones.
  2. If you want, you can use the buttons at the top of the screen to perform these actions:
  1. If term content is acceptable, click Assign Terms to complete the assignment.

NOTE: Click the checkbox labeled Click here to proceed. Export to Excel the Results List if Necessary. Without checking this box, the Assign button remains disabled.

  1. When you click Assign Terms, the Step 4: Terms Assignment Confirmation screen opens.