Step 2: Manage Selected Terms/Milestones

Use this screen to add, remove or edit selected terms/milestones and assign them to a grant.

Closed toggler arrowSAMHSA Manage Selected Terms

When you select and assign terms in the Step 1: Search for Terms screen, the selected termsappear in this screen, organized by Announcement section.

Use this screen to add, remove or edit selected termsand assign them to the selected grant(s).

SAMHSA Step 2: Manage Selected Terms screen

Closed toggler arrowOTA Manage Selected Milestones

When you click the Access Milestones button in the GM Terms tab screen, the milestones for that award appear in this screen, organized by Announcement section.

Use this screen to add, remove or edit selected milestones and assign them to the selected award.

OTA Manage Selected Milestones

Header information

Note the Success banner at the top of the screen that tells you how many terms/milestones were added, and lets you know if any duplicate items were omitted in this operation. The header area also identifies the selected grant(s).

If you are applying terms/milestones to a single grant, the grant is identified just below the banner:

Success Banner for a Single Award

If you're applying bulk terms/milestones to multiple grant awards selected in the Search for Grant Awards screen, you can click View Selected Awards to see the awards.

NOTE: Bulk terms assignment allows inclusion of awarded grants.

View Selected Awards - Bulk Awards

Manage Terms/Milestones

Follow these steps to manage the selected terms/milestones and continue with the assignment:

  1. Review term/milestone content.
  2. If all content is acceptable, click the Next button to see the terms in their final form and review the assignment results in the Step 3: Preview Selected Terms/Milestones screen.
  3. If the content is not acceptable, take one of these actions to correct it:
    • Add New Term/Milestone for this Award — Click this button at the top of the screen to add a new term/milestones for this grant only (that is, without adding it to the catalog) in the Add Terms/Milestones screen.
    • Start Over, Search for Terms — (SAMHSA users) Click this button to clear all assigned terms and return to the Step 1: Search for Terms screen to perform a new search.
    • Back to Manage Selected Milestones — (OTA and VA users) Click to return to the Manage Selected Milestones screen without saving the current milestones.
    • Search for Terms — Click this button to keep all the assigned terms and return to the Search for Terms screen to search for additional terms.
    • View/Edit — Click this button to edit a term's content or set up tracking in the Edit Term Content and Tracking screen.
    • Remove — Click this button to remove a term.
    • If you wish, you can drag-and-drop terms to change the order of terms within a section (you can't move terms between sections).

  1. When you have finished editing and ordering the term content, click Next to see the terms/milestones in their final form and review terms assignment results in the Step 3: Preview Selected Terms/milestone screen.