Step 2: Manage Selected Terms/Milestones
Use this screen to add, remove or edit selected terms/milestones and assign them to a grant.
SAMHSA Manage Selected Terms
OTA Manage Selected Milestones
Header information
Note the Success banner at the top of the screen that tells you how many terms/milestones were added, and lets you know if any duplicate items were omitted in this operation. The header area also identifies the selected grant(s).
If you are applying terms/milestones to a single grant, the grant is identified just below the banner:
Manage Terms/Milestones
Follow these steps to manage the selected terms/milestones and continue with the assignment:
- Review term/milestone content.
- If all content is acceptable, click the Next button to see the terms in their final form and review the assignment results in the Step 3: Preview Selected Terms/Milestones screen.
- If the content is not acceptable, take one of these actions to correct it:
- Add New Term/Milestone for this Award — Click this button at the top of the screen to add a new term/milestones for this grant only (that is, without adding it to the catalog) in the Add Terms/Milestones screen.
- Start Over, Search for Terms — (SAMHSA users) Click this button to clear all assigned terms and return to the Step 1: Search for Terms screen to perform a new search.
- Back to Manage Selected Milestones — (OTA and VA users) Click to return to the Manage Selected Milestones screen without saving the current milestones.
- Search for Terms — Click this button to keep all the assigned terms and return to the Search for Terms screen to search for additional terms.
- View/Edit — Click this button to edit a term's content or set up tracking in the Edit Term Content and Tracking screen.
- Remove — Click this button to remove a term.
If you wish, you can drag-and-drop terms to change the order of terms within a section (you can't move terms between sections).
- When you have finished editing and ordering the term content, click Next to see the terms/milestones in their final form and review terms assignment results in the Step 3: Preview Selected Terms/milestone screen.