Step 4: Terms/Milestones Assignment Confirmation

When you successfully completed an assignment in the Preview Selected Terms/Milestones screen, the Assignment Confirmation screen opens:

Closed toggler arrowSAMHSA Terms Assignment Confirmation

SAMHSA Terms and Conditions Assignment Confirmation

Closed toggler arrowOTA Milestones Assignment Confirmation

OTA Milestones Assignment Confirmation

This screen lists the grants to which the selected terms/milestones were applied. For each grant award, this screen displays Award Number, Organization Name, Budget Period Start Date and End Date, and Number of items to be applied.

  1. For each grant, you can click the < right-arrow icon to expand the item and display the Expanded Assignment Results.

The Assignment Results table shows you exactly how each assignment was handled for this grant. And below the results table, you can see all the terms/milestones in their final form, as they will appear on the NOA.

  1. Review this material for each grant, then click Close to complete the assignment and close the screen.

Milestones Assignment Results