Name and ID

The Name and ID section of the Personal Profile lets you view, add, or update your:

  • Name
  • Prior Names
  • Email address
  • Preferred address information for all communication generated from Commons
  • Identification information to differentiate you from other Commons users with a similar name
  • Citizenship status

All Commons users have access to the Name and ID section of the Personal Profile.

IMPORTANT: To save any profile changes, you must click the Save All button, which is located at the top right of the screen. You can save profile changes ONLY after fixing ALL error items in red/pink that show a red x (Red x icon indicating an error), even those unrelated to your current change. If you save while errors exist, changes are NOT saved and you see an error message.

Viewing Name and ID

Click the Name and ID section heading to see the section content.

ClosedThe information initially displays as read-only.

  • Name
  • Username
  • eRA Person ID
  • Email for Account-Related Communications
  • Contact Information for Commons Communications

Summary view (read-only) of Name and ID

Editing Name and ID

Click the Edit button (pencil icon) on the Name and ID header to display all the editable fields available in this section of the Personal Profile.

Edit button on section of Personal Profile

ClosedThe following fields are available for editing:

Name and ID in edit mode


  • Prefix: Select a choice from the drop-down list.
  • First Name (required): Enter your first name.
  • Middle Name: If you have a very common name, it is helpful to enter your middle name.
  • Last Name (required): Enter your last name.
  • Suffix: Select a choice from the drop-down list.

ClosedPrior Names

You can enter, view, edit, and delete prior names in the Name and ID section. Use the Prior Names section to specify other names you have used professionally in the past (such as maiden, married names, etc.), so that your award data and career progress can be better maintained and tracked in eRA Commons. The Prior Names section is only accessible for NIH official use when completing reporting requirements and will not be shared.

Prior Names

In the Prior Names section, which lists all previously entered names, you can enter new names and update or delete existing names.

  • To add a new name, click the Add Prior Name button and complete the fields in the popup that appears.

  • To change an existing name, click its Edit link and edit the fields in the popup that appears.

  • To remove an existing name, click its Delete link, then click the Delete button in the Delete Prior Name confirmation that appears.

ClosedEmail Address

  • For account-related communications

    Enter the email address at which you prefer to receive communications from Commons about managing your profile, including reminders for re-setting your password. This will also be the addresses used if no other means of reaching you is provided. Required field.

  • Replace other email addresses?

    Select this checkbox if you would like this account-related communications email address to replace the email address(es) you provided for Grants Communication and Reviewer Correspondence in the other sections of the Personal Profile. Required field.

ClosedAddress for Grants-Related Communications

  • Use contact information from current job

    Select a job from the drop-down list.

    Remember: you can update your jobs on the Employment section of the profile. A link to Employment is provided next to this field.


  • Date of Birth (required)

    Enter your date of birth in the format MM/DD/YYYY or select a date from the calendar icon. 

  • SSN (optional)

    Enter the last four digits of your Social Security Number (SSN) to help eRA identify you more accurately.

IMPORTANT: As a security measure, the Date of Birth and SSN fields are only editable if blank or filled with all zeroes. Once populated with other data, these fields become read-only to prevent accidental updates to the wrong person profile. Should you need to make changes to either of these fields and cannot, contact the eRA Service Desk for assistance.

ClosedCitizenship Status

  • What country are you a citizen of? (required)

    Select a country from the drop-down list.

  • Citizenship Status (required)

    Select the appropriate radio button.

ClosedLoan Repayment Program (LRP)

Loan Repayment Program section of Name & ID showing Secure Payee Registration System link

For certain LRP applicants who were selected or awardees who are eligible for reimbursement, an additional section titled Loan Repayment Program (LRP) appears at the end of the Name and ID section of Personal Profile. It contains a link to the Secure Payee Registration System; see the topic titled Submitting Banking Information in LRP online help.

When you are done with your edits, click the Save All button at the top of the profile to save your changes.

IMPORTANT: As a security measure, after if you are updating the value of a previously entered email address, date of birth, and/or Social Security Number, Commons will send an email to the former (if changed) email address in a person's Commons profile as an alert to the change. If you receive this email after making these changes, no further action is required. If you have not made these changes to your profile and receive this alert, please contact the eRA Commons Help Desk immediately.