Using the LRP Award Service/Research Verification Portal

For Research Supervisors to Verify Service and Research of the LRP Awardee

If you are the supervisor of a Loan Repayment Program (LRP) awardee, your input is required for the LRP awardee to continue their participation in the LRP. You will need to verify details about the LRP awardee's employment each quarter during the award period.

The verification portal consists of five steps for an extramural LRP participant, and four steps for an intramural LRP participant. Depending on your answers, some steps will be skipped. For example, if you answer No to the first question, which asks if the awardee was under your supervision, then the rest of the questions don't apply, so they are skipped.

After progressing through the screens and answering questions, you are given a chance to review your answers, and you can use the Back button go back and correct answers. In the final step, you click a Submit button, which makes your answers available to the Division of Loan Repayment (DLR) for processing.

NOTE: For general information about the LRP program, see the LRP website.

Getting Started With Verification

  1. Open the verification portal; see Accessing the LRP Award Service/Research Verification Portal.

  2. To start a verification for a particular quarter, click its corresponding Not Started link in the Verification Status column.

Verification Status column of LRP Verification portal with Not Started link outlined in red
  1. Step 1 of the portal appears, where you indicate if the LRP participant worked under your supervision.

  1. Answer each question shown in the portal and then click the Next button to proceed.

  1. At the end of the portal (last step), review the statements that you are certifying, and click the Submit button, which releases the information to Division of Loan Repayment (DLR) staff for further processing.

All possible screens are shown below. Some screens do NOT appear for all users. Different screens appear depending on whether the awardee is intramural or extramural. Also, different screens appear based on answers to previous questions.

Participant Worked Under My Supervision Question

The following screen appears for all users at the beginning of the portal, which verifies the LRP participant worked under your supervision.

LRP Award Service/Research Verification Portal supervision question

LRP Award Service/Research Verification Portal end date of supervision and new supervisor details. Populate from Commons ID attempts to populate the data with the supervisor's eRA Commons data if the ID entered is valid and has an LRPS role

Participant Worked an Average of 20 Hours/Week Question

In the following screen, you verify that the LRP participant worked at least 20 hours a week during the quarter. This step is omitted for intramural awardees.

Participant worked an average of 20 hours/week question

If the answer to the 20 hour average hours question is No, then you see Closeda step where you provide the reason why the 20 hour average requirement was not met.

Reasons why participant did not work an average of 20 hours/week question

For cessation of research, you must provide the end date of the research, and for leave without pay, you must provide start and end dates of the leave period. Calendar fields appear if you select either option.

If asked to provide dates:

  • Dates must be within the specified service period, which appears over the blue Step indicators.

  • Type dates in the format shown, or click the Calendar icon, Date widget icon, and navigate to the correct dates.

Once you indicate the reason the participant did not meet the minimum service requirements and click Next, you are directed to the last screen where you assert a change in the LRP awardee's research occurred; see Response Indicated Change of Research.

Research Document Reflects Research Activities Question

In the following screen, you are asked to review the participant's research document and verify that it accurately reflects the participant's research activities.

NOTE: While the text tells you to review the participant's research project by clicking the link above, no such link appears for ACGME awards. Disregard the note about reviewing the research project for ACGME awards.

Research document reflects research activities question. If the participant is funded by the ACGME program, then no research project link appears

For non-ACGME awards, click the Research Document PDF link to view a PDF of the participant's research description. It opens in the PDF Viewer configured by your system.

  • Click Yes if the participant's research document accurately reflects the participant's research activities.

  • Click No if the participant's research document no longer reflects the participant's research activities.

Participant Will Remain Under Your Supervision Question

In the following screen, you are asked to indicate if the participant plans (to the best of your knowledge) to remain working under your supervision at the current institution for the next 90 days.

Participant Will Remain Under Your Supervision Question

Response Indicated Change of Research

If any of your responses indicate deficient hours or that there was or will be a change in the LRP awardee's research project, research activities, or supervision, then you see the following screen. Clicking the Submit button on the following screen informs DLR that a change has occurred.

Screen that indicates you are submitting a statement that changes occurred or will occur in the LRP awardee's research activities

Screen for Reviewing/Certifying Your Statements and Submitting

You see the following screen (instead of the one above) if all your answers indicated continuing compliance with requirements and no changes to research or supervision. In the following screen, you are asked to submit your answers to DLR. Bullet points summarize the statements that you are certifying. If you make a mistake, you can use the Back button to return to earlier questions. Click Submit when finished.

IMPORTANT: If you selected the answer of No to any prior questions, you don't see this screen; instead you see the screen in the previous section titled, "Response Indicated Change of Research." .

Screen for reviewing/certifying your statements and submitting