Using the LRP Participant Portal

For LRP Awardees to View Details and Upload Documents

Loan Repayment Program (LRP) awardees use the ClosedParticipant Portal, which is part of eRA Commons, to view loan and payment details and to submit required payment verification or other documentation to the Division of Loan Repayment (DLR). For instructions on accessing the ClosedParticipant Portal, see Accessing the Participant Portal.

When an LRP payment is made on your behalf, you will receive an email notification from the DLR to verify your latest payment. When you receive this email, click its enclosed link to be directed to eRA Commons login screen, where you access the Participant Portal through the Status application. The Participant Portal lets you upload documentation about the payment.

For a list of helpful LRP links, see Loan Repayment Program Links. ClosedSee the Participant Portal screen by clicking here.

The Participant Portal main screen. Blue Actions buttons indicate that documentation needs to be uploaded to fulfill LRP requirements, whereas a white button indicates that documentation has already been uploaded.

In the Loans section, a blue Actions button indicates that documentation needs to be uploaded to fulfill LRP requirements, whereas a white Actions button indicates that documentation has already been uploaded.

Under LRP Payment History, a red Not Verified badge in the Status column means that documentation must be uploaded by the LRP participant, and approved by DLR staff. The grey Verified badge means documentation has already been uploaded and approved. A blank box in the Status column indicates the payment refers to a reimbursement to the LRP participant.

Under Service and Research Verifications, the red Not Started badge means the research supervisor/IC Coordinator has not yet started the process of verifying the service or research, which takes place in the IBO Portal or IC Coordinator portal. The grey Verified badge means the service or research verification was already completed.