Certification Form - Renewal

For Extramural LRP Applications

You (the IBO) must certify LRP applications before the application deadline. Information on the application deadline is provided in the email you received from NIH. The renewal certification screen excludes the citizenship question since the applicant’s citizenship was certified when they were a new applicant.

To certify a renewal LRP application:

  1. Access the IBO Portal; see Accessing the IBO Portal.

The LRP Applications screen appears.

  1. Click the three-dot ellipsis menu for the applicant you are certifying and select Start Certification. The Initial Certification (Fall) status should initially display as Not Started for a renewal applicant.


  1. Review the applicant identifying information specify the applicant's LRP contract duration.

  2. Review the Certifying Official's Assurances carefully and mark the checkbox if all are true.

  3. If you are finished, click Submit.

  4. If you need to check information and come back to this form later, click Save.
    If you click Save, then the next time you log into the IBO Portal, the Initial Certification status will appear as Work in Progress for this applicant, and the three-dot ellipsis menu will show Complete Certification instead of Start Certification, which you can click to return to this form and complete it.